Chapter 71

Sophia was kind of zoned out until the looming shadow overhead snapped her back to reality. She instinctively looked up to find Brandon right in her face. She was momentarily startled before asking him in a soft voice, “What brings you here?”

“Just had some free time and thought I’d swing by,” Brandon replied casually, taking the book from her hands. “Shall we head out?” Sophia nodded lightly, “Yeah.”

Marian had also just stepped out of the classroom. Catching sight of Brandon, she paused, then waved at him with a natural, “Hey.” That bead bracelet caught Sophia’s eye once again as Marian waved, and Sophia’s expression turned blank with confusion. When Marian noticed Sophia’s odd reaction, her waving hand hesitated and dropped, her gaze toward Sophia now tinged with wariness and defensiveness.

The guarded look made Sophia’s momentary loss of composure flash across her eyes.

She gave Marian an awkward smile.

Brandon didn’t miss the fleeting look of embarrassment and awkwardness in her eyes, nor the pause and blankness when her gaze accidentally fell on Marian’s bracelet. His hand, hanging by his side, subtly took hold of Sophia’s, gripping it firmly.

Sophia looked at him, puzzled.

Brandon wasn’t looking at her, just holding her hand tightly as he gazed calmly at Marian.

“Ms. Barlow, how much for that bracelet?” he asked.

His question left both Sophia and Marian staring at Brandon in surprise.

blurted out, “What do you mean by that?”

“How much? I’ll buy

the bracelet, treating it like a treasure.

but this isn’t for sale.”

at her,

persisted, “Don’t think just because you’re loaded you

Brandon’s icy stare, her hand over the bracelet stiffening-wanting to protect it but not daring to, wanting to let go but not daring to either. The bravado she started with melted away under Brandon’s chilly gaze, and she

her eyes, was

shielding her behind him. She could

look at her but kept a tight hold on her hand, his expression cool as he continued to face Marian.

from, but you know damn well it’s not really yours. I’m not trying to play the fool here. Consider this money a thank you for taking such good care of it

harsh, but Marian was obviously intimidated by his presence, her earlier defiance gone. She bit her lip, struggling to speak, and looked at Sophia for

not quite getting what Brandon was up to, tugged on his sleeve and whispered,

to stand in front of him. His eyes didn’t leave Marian

such pressure, seemed intimidated but tried to clarify, “This really

picture of someone being bullied.

the hallway were watching, puzzled by the scene. Some hesitated, taking out their phones, perhaps considering whether to sneak a

glances and tugged at Brandon’s hand more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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