Chapter 92

Outside was a bustling neighborhood, still caught in the thick of rush hour, with people hustling and bustling


Yet among the sea of faces on the street, Brandon didn’t catch a glimpse of anyone familiar.

With a puzzled furrow between his brows, Brandon walked on, letting his gaze roam through the crowd, but came up with zilch.

His search slowed to a halt, and Brandon stood still, silently watching the throng, his handsome face still shrouded with confusion over the fleeting sight he’d just caught.

Brandon wasn’t sure if he’d seen it wrong, that silhouette.

He shifted slightly, scanning the other side of the pedestrian flow, but still found nothing.

In the tranquil alley, Sophia meandered alone, her hand subconsciously gripping her phone, palms slightly sweaty, heart rate ticking up a notch, filled with an inexplicable sense of being lost and clueless.

She hadn’t expected to bump into Brandon again, just like that, without any warning.

She’d never thought she’d see him again, and even if she did stumble upon him like she just had, she should’ve been straightforward and greeted him, not chosen to bolt like she did now

Sophia didn’t know why she was dodging him.

It seemed her body made a choice before her mind could weigh in.

Sylvia called again asking how much longer she’d be, she felt

made sure she was just dealing with a minor issue and not in any danger, told her to take care and not to worry about work, and then hung up.

the passersby, his usually calm and composed face showing a touch of bewilderment, as if searching


Brandon, puzzled, and clapped him on the

turned around, his expression back to the cool aloofness Don was familiar with,


shook his head, “Had to

all this way to see me, I can’t let you

flatter yourself. It was just on

fishing out his car keys, he headed towards the nearby parking

chuckle, “Let me live in my fantasy world from time to time, it won’t kill

hit up a traditional restaurant that Don claimed had

shopping center not far from the office, just a quick drive around the block and you’re

Zenitha retro style, even

classic culture vibe, they

those looking to check in on social, Don explained, “Don’t

Chapter 92

the food. This is some of

hall; business

of other eateries, instead exuding a serene

then led Brandon to a spot near the entrance, passing him the menu, “Take a

the menu back, “You

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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