Chapter 110

He originally wanted to nudge Brandon to win Sophia back, but it totally backfired.

In his eyes, Sophia was ace – from her looks and vibe to her education and temperament, everything about her was top-notch and she seemed like the perfect match for Brandon.

This matchy-matchy vibe wasn’t just about looks, but also about how well their personalities clicked.

Marriage wasn’t always about opposites attracting; sometimes the most chill and comfy vibes when two were together can be the real deal.

With Sophia, Brandon was the most chill and at ease Kent had seen him since like, forever.

Kent had no clue if Brandon would ever find that kind of peace and calm with someone else.

But hey, life’s gotta move on.

From Brandon’s reaction, Kent figured Sophia must’ve cut the cord with more resolve, and it wasn’t a given that chasing her down would bring her back – he worried that Brandon might just go off the deep end.

He didn’t dare to shoot his mouth off any further, so he just chuckled and said to Brandon, “Yeah, well, Mr. Crawley, wish you can nail the blind date scene.”

Patricia just happened to be outside the office door and paused, giving a thoughtful look inside at Brandon.

Brandon didn’t bite on Kent’s teasing and just kept his cool, going over some documents.

Kent and Don were also in the office.

Patricia had meant to come over to smooth things over with Brandon, not expecting a crowd.

Playing it cool, Patricia didn’t step forward to interrupt, but she did take to heart Kent’s comment about “wish you can nail the blind date scene,” deciding to hang back in the lounge and wait. When Kent passed by, she called out to him.


Kent turned, a bit surprised, and seeing Patricia sipping coffee in the booth, he approached with a smile, “Mrs. Crawley, what brings you here?”

“I had something to discuss with Mr. Crawley, but you guys seemed tied up in a meeting, so I didn’t intrude,” Patricia explained with her usual grace. “I overheard something about Mr. Crawley going on a blind date?”

Kent chuckled awkwardly, “Just a little joke. Mr. Crawley doesn’t need blind dates.”

wasn’t buying the brush-off, “Who’s he meeting? What’s her name? What do her parents

just a joke,

on a stern

dare to play silly any longer

Kent emphasized earnestly, “Mr. Dempsey was just joking about setting Mr. Crawley up on a blind date,

Brandon agreed to this

stuck on how to answer. Saying “yes” might drag Patricia

saw right through his hesitation, “Alright, I was just asking. Look how

that, she left without making things harder for him.

relief, patting his chest and exhaling before turning to leave, only to catch

a beat, not sure if Brandon had seen his chat with Patricia

bumped into Mrs. Crawley outside. She kinda heard about you going on a blind date, so she casually asked me a few questions.”

recounted his conversation


shifting from

lost about what

finally spoke up, “You

Kent, relieved to be off the hook, quickly left the office, making sure

tapping a few keys on the keyboard, then paused, glancing at the

a moment, then silently shut down his computer and got

Kent happened to look up and called out in surprise, “Mr. Crawley, you’re off work?”

Brandon’s voice was faint as he walked straight out, leaving

out on time was

stepped into the elevator and saw the surprise and confusion on the faces around him, he didn’t say anything, just pressed the elevator button..

clogged with

Brandon hated leaving on the dot – he

of an indescribable emptiness – just like everyone else.

why he chose this time to

goodbye, probably wasn’t there anymore.

home early or late, it didn’t really make

he’d be facing an empty house, but still,

quietly for a while before finally locking up and stepping out. The elevator was a short walk from

and started toward the living room, loosening his tie. Halfway there, he froze, eyes landing on Sophia who was coming out of the kitchen with a dish in

expecting Brandon to be home so soon. She felt a bit

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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