Chapter 139

Sophia and Brandon’s gazes collided.

Sophia flashed a smile, bidding farewell with her eyes without letting on anything unusual.

It was her turn in line.

She looked away, said a quick virtual goodbye to the little girl in the video, then handed over her passport and boarding pass, and went through security. Once her phone was back in hand, Sophia shot a WhatsApp video to Susan.

The call connected in no time.

A baby girl popped up on the screen, clueless about how to use a phone, her face pressed curiously against it. Her big eyes fluttered as her chubby little fingers poked at the screen. “Mommy, mommy,” she called out to Sophia with her sweet, mushy baby voice, her chubby cheeks still showing that adorably puzzled baby look.

Sophia couldn’t help but smile, chatting with the baby off and on, not wanting to strain her eyes with too much screen time, so she didn’t talk long. She coaxed her into hanging up the call, pocketed her phone, and started scoping out the airport’s interior, bored out of her mind.

She had arrived early, with plenty of time before her flight.

In the parking lot.

Brandon sat in his car, not starting the engine just yet.

He glanced towards the tarmac, catching a glimpse of planes taking off through the window, the image of Sophia’s distant goodbye lingering in his mind, hinting at a sense of finality.

Brandon couldn’t fathom why such a thought would cross his mind.

He sat in silence for a while, glanced at his watch, then got out of the car and made his way quickly to the airport terminal.

Sophia was idly examining the airport’s architecture.

it out, but the wait for boarding

announcements starting and stopping, flights departing

up to join the line and, turning around, saw Brandon in the crowd, looking

slowed down, and his handsome

her, ‘Ready to

Sophia nodded, “Yeah.”

gaze drifted behind him, “Are you heading somewhere

stayed put, joining her at the end of the line.

quite suss out what

turned, hesitating, and looked at him, “Are you heading

“No ticket.”‘


at her, “Sophia, you’re not pulling my leg

his question, “What do

a few days you’re going

“Yeah, just to sort out some stuff with my

then nodded, saying no

even know why

divorced, changing her number, or moving house, even if she had already made up her mind, she always kept her cards close to

confirmation was

made the decision before his mind

taken over again, Brandon made no further

watched Sophia board the plane, and only after she disappeared into the cabin did

returned to the office, Don was there too, and could roughly guess the

Sophia left?”

Brandon nodded, “Yeah.”

retaining talent and projects,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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