Chapter 149

Kent said, “Funny, outgoing, and super charming. He was a big deal back in school, the type that girls go gaga over. Heard he had quite the fan club chasing after him.”

He suddenly stopped mid-sentence, catching the stern look from Brandon.

Brandon said with a cool tone, “Kent, have you got too much time on your hands?”

Kent quickly backed down. “Nope.”

Brandon shoved his drink into Kent’s hand and walked away.

Kent, curious, glanced at Brandon’s retreating figure heading towards Sophia.

Meanwhile, Sophia was chatting with Augus.

“Hey, which school did you graduate from?”

He was talkative and straightforward. They started off talking about architectural design, but smoothly, he steered the conversation back to Sophia.

Once Sophia mentioned her alma mater, Augus’s eyes lit up with surprise. “So you’re the legendary senior Sophia from that school? No wonder your name rang a bell.”

wasn’t aware of any legend about her, and feeling a bit awkward with Augus’s direct praise, she just gave an embarrassed smile. “You went to Apex Engineering University’s School of Architecture

Apex Engineering University, graduated two years after you,” Augus said, half-jokingly, half-seriously asking her, “You

lightly. “Yeah, he used to be our homeroom

couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, guess it’s a small

with your work as a freshman, but he didn’t mention your name. Had no idea it was you,” Augus added. “If Zachary knew we were on the same team now, he’d

let’s take

to pose when a hand suddenly reached

taking photos during work

A calm voice.

turned and saw Brandon standing beside her, slightly taken

a word, he switched off the phone

immediately greeted respectfully, “Hello, Mr. Crawley.”

Sophia. “You’ve just had a long flight and you’re still jet-lagged. You

was a bit surprised by Brandon’s thoughtfulness and

mentioned her rush from the airport to him.

fatigue from the long journey and jet lag was real, so she nodded

place to stay?”


at her, then nodded. “I’ll have Kent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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