Chapter 153

Sophia was just chilling at the top of the stairs, one hand on her knee, the other patting her chest, huffing and puffing like she’d run a marathon. Her face was all flushed, her hair a bit of a mess, and you could see a layer of fine sweat beading on her forehead.

She caught Brandon’s eye and felt a bit embarrassed.

“Today’s the grand opening of the new company, and everyone’s buzzing with excitement. Why don’t you come and celebrate with us?” she said awkwardly. “Honestly, people love it when the boss lets loose and hangs with the crew. Makes you feel less like the big man upstairs, you know?”

Brandon glanced at her still-thumping chest, then at her damp, rosy cheeks, before his gaze settled into her eyes. “Did you specifically come looking for me?”

The word “specifically” hung in the air between Sophia and Brandon, loaded with unspoken meaning, given their complicated relationship.

She hadn’t thought it through his solitary silhouette had just popped into her head, and on a whim, she’d dashed up to find him. “Not really,” Sophia replied, her cheeks coloring. “It’s just everyone’s heading out to party, and it seemed like a bummer for the big boss to be missing out.”

She glanced at the now-deserted office, then back at him. “You’re here burning the midnight oil all by yourself. If work’s not screaming for attention, why not take a break? Don’t push yourself too hard.”

Kent looked over at Sophia, a tad surprised.

Her casual concern for Brandon was kind of sweet and unexpected.

Brandon threw him a glance.

Kent, taking the hint, quickly made his exit. “I’ll leave you two to chat. Mr. Dempsey’s waiting for me to join the celebration. I’ll head over so no one’s kept waiting.”

With that, he bolted.

Brandon’s eyes lingered on the sweat on Sophia’s forehead, and he casually grabbed some tissues from a nearby desk, walking over to her.

Standing in front of her, he reached out with the tissue towards her forehead. “Did you take the stairs?”

“Yeah, the elevator was out of service,” Sophia replied, taking the tissue from him with an awkward smile. “I’ve got it.”

He gave

her a look but didn’t fight her for it, handing over the tissue.

After drying off, Sophia turned to him again. “So, you coming?”

He nodded. “Sure, why not?”

A smile flickered across her face, and a hint of one appeared in his eyes too.

“Let’s go,” he said, and they headed down together.

Don had texted Sophia the details for the get-together.

He’d booked a rooftop farm with its own BBQ and bonfire setup.

By the time Sophia and Brandon arrived, everyone was already in full swing some prepping the food, others manning the grills, chatting and laughing in little clusters.

Brandon’s entrance caused a momentary freeze, everyone suddenly self-conscious.

Sophia, all smiles and warmth, called out/”Keep the fun rolling. Don’t mind us!”

and innocent charm quickly eased the tension, and

some skewers for Brandon.

standing side by side with her at

Kent were also by the BBQ, skewers in hand. Seeing Sophia and Brandon together, Don couldn’t hide his

you actually up for this kind of

Brandon asked, skillfully laying the skewers Sophia handed him



at all, Don replied, thrilled. “Just saying, it’s good to relax every now and

of oysters and called Sophia over to help clean

gave her a

quickly dismissing

at the busy oyster crew, then back at Brandon. “I’m gonna go

looked at the pile of oysters and


gatherings, nudged him. “Why force yourself if you’re not into it?” Brandon shot him a look. “It’s not about liking or not. It’s


chattering girls, Sophia’s serene presence stood out; not aloof or antisocial, just

interest in BBQ. Social gatherings weren’t his thing.

work call came through on

dropped their tasks and was now

the crowd for Sophia

to the outskirts, he found her still with the oysters, absentmindedly grilling skewers, occasionally glancing at the lively crowd with a smile, but with no intention of joining in.

approached her and stood by her side, picking up a skewer from

he asked, placing the skewer on the grill.

melted into

you done with your call?” she asked, having spotted Brandon on the phone just moments before, obviously tangled up in work


beef skewers sizzle over the charcoal, she finally turned to Sophia, “Why

really into that scene,” Sophia admitted, too embarrassed to say she didn’t want to leave Brandon hanging by himself

be cool to just

nature, would be the last person to jump into a sing-and-dance kind of crowd.

a glance from him, then looking over at the laughing and joking group, he turned to her, “Wanna go check it out?”

was a bit surprised but nodded, “Sure,

before Don let go of Cindy’s hand to make

and Brandon joined the hand-holding dance.

just a bunch of folks holding hands, hopping on

but soon got swept up in the

fun, she couldn’t help but sneak a

was a slight smile at the corners of his mouth. He wasn’t laughing uproariously like the

his usual serious and aloof demeanor, he seemed to have a bit more

turned to

him a light



He smiled back.

still in full swing, shifting from the campfire

party, had already grabbed mics and were belting out tunes that were way off-key, filling the farm air with their howls,

down by the barbecue grill.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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