Chapter 164

Daniel looked down on Sophia from his high horse.

Having arrived in the conference room before Sophia, he gave her the once-over out of habit as she followed in, and only then did he direct his gaze to her face.

“So, you and Brandon split up, huh?”

Daniel asked, exuding a kind of elder’s authority from his demeanor to his tone.

Daniel wasn’t sure if the two had really divorced.

Brandon had never directly addressed the question.

And Daniel had never laid eyes on a divorce certificate.

But it was a fact that Sophia hadn’t been back in two years.

Even without an official divorce, being separated for two years was enough for a court to issue a divorce decree.

Sophia ignored his question.

“Did you need something from me?”

She asked, her voice consistently calm and gentle, neither servile nor overbearing.


here just to confirm that, then yes,

get back to, so if there’s nothing more, I’ll be on

polite nod

her. “Now that

do too well out there,

to Patricia’s high and mighty attitude, Daniel was a tad more gentle, but it was still a

laugh and glanced back at him.

or Brandon does. You should know,

work, not to entangle with your son,” Sophia cut him off coolly, turning back around, “Your son isn’t worth me

room door was suddenly flung open from the outside, interrupting Sophia.

back and caught sight of Brandon with an expressionless

about to scold, Brandon strode forward, bent down to grab Sophia’s wrist, and pulled her to her feet before

he asked, his voice icy, “Who gave you the right?”

daughter-in-law was working at the company, I came to check in. What’s wrong with

see someone? Brandon retorted, “Was one Patricia this morning not

know what you’re saying? Is that how you speak to your father?”

act like a father?”

choking on his rage, and he glanced

just tried carefully to pry Brandon’s hand off her wrist. She didn’t want to get caught in the father-son feud, nor

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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