Chapter 80

“A dead body has been resurrected? How is that possible?”

“Quick, let’s follow them and take a look!”

Kelly, Yolanda, and the others looked at each other, wondering if they had heard wrong.

However, after seeing Linda leave with Yelena, Kelly and Yolanda hurriedly followed, wanting to see what was going on.

A group of people rushed into the morgue.

Before they could reach the room where the pregnant woman was, they heard a series of heart-wrenching screams.

This voice caused many people to tremble in fear. They were uneasy and did not dare to go forward.

This was a morgue. The room was filled with corpses, but now, there were screams. It was terrifying.

Linda paused for a moment.

Yolanda and Kelly were especially terrified.

Yolanda and Kelly had caused the death of the pregnant woman. Now that they heard this familiar scream, their hearts skipped a beat. Yolanda and Kelly were so afraid that they trembled and almost fainted.

“It’s the sound of a woman giving birth!”

Yelena’s expression did not change as she continued walking forward.

As an obstetrician, Yelena had often heard such screams. The sound could not be more familiar to Yelena.

Moreover, Yelena was focused on saving people and had a clear conscience. Yelena was not afraid at all.

Seeing Yelena walk over, Linda’s eyes flashed with shame before she quickly followed.

When the two of them walked into the morgue, they saw a pregnant woman lying on the bed, sweating profusely and screaming in pain.

Haylan stood beside the woman and held her hand, cheering her on.

When Haylan saw Yelena walk in, he had joy in his eyes. Haylan said loudly. “Yelena, you came at the right time. This pregnant woman is about to give birth. Come quick and take a look.”

“Also, Officer Korran, quickly release Yelena’s handcuffs and let her come over to deliver the child.”

In fact, with his medical skills, Haylan could definitely deliver the child himself.

didn’t do that was mainly

scene, her expression changed. Linda was extremely

body giving birth in the

for 5 seconds, Linda immediately took out the keys and unclocked Yelena’s handcuff.

was a police officer. Linda had to protect the safety of her

pregnant woman needed the help of a doctor. How could Linda keep

the kid’s hair. Come on, breathe!”

situation carefully. Then, Yelena began to guide the pregnant woman on how to

moment, Yolanda, Kelly, and the others also rushed into the morgue. When they saw the scene of Yelena delivering the baby, they were so

is this possible? Is this person really alive?” Yolanda’s pupils constricted violently

also trembling. She was unable to say

the pregnant woman had died from ineffective resuscitation. Now, the pregnant woman came back

simply like seeing a

“Impossible, that’s impossible!”

of her wits. Yolanda kept saying that


a loud baby cry. Yelena successfully delivered the baby and held

layer of fetal fat, but it

scissors she carried with her, Yelena cut the baby’s cord and dealt with everything.

pregnant woman was panting and sweating profusely She was

with the support of the spiritual energy that

she smiled and said with gentle and grateful

woman looked at Haylan who was

woman had a very long dream. In the dream, she and her child were led by monsters into the gates of hell. The woman and her child stepped onto the boundary of life and death,

human world and looked back at every step.

the mother and son were powerless to reverse the situation.

as the woman thought that she was about to be completely sent off, a golden light descended from the

was already in the morgue with Haylan standing

that Haylan must have

all thanks to Doctor Jaber,”

“Aren’t there nurses outside? Come over immediately


woman was quickly transferred out of the morgue and placed in a ward. The woman’s

some examinations for women. Yelena also dealt with her own past matters.

Kelly stood at the side and

to have a C-section.

strange. It’s like seeing a

back from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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