Chapter 107

“So what you’re saying is that if no one comes looking for trouble with me in seven days, I’ll be fine? Lydia asked.

“Yes, that’s the rule of their assassin organization.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because I know assassins very well.”

“Are you a assassin?”

Haylan was speechless.

Haylan swept his gaze over Lydia. “If I were an assassin, do you think I would let you off if you ask me that?”

“Curiosity killed the cat. Don’t ask everything!”

This woman was too curious and wanted to ask everything.

Could it be that she still didn’t understand the principle from all the filming?

The more mysterious a person was, the less they should investigate his past!

In television dramas, once you investigated those who hid their identities, it meant that you had already crossed the line and your life would be in danger

Lydia recalled the scene of Haylan fighting a hundred people alone and killing a driver without blinking an eye. She couldn’t help but shiver and didn’t dare to ask further.

Because she knew that curiosity could kill the cat.

In the past, one of her actor friends was curious about her boyfriend’s identity and kept asking and investigating. In the end, she found out that her boyfriend was a serial killer wanted by the Whileal Kingdom for many years.

After learning the truth, she was killed by her boyfriend.

When Lydia found out that her friend had died, she even felt sad for a moment.

She even thought from a movie star’s angle. Her friend and boyfriend were very close and loving. They were almost married.

If the friend hadn’t discovered the boyfriend’s identity, perhaps she wouldn’t have been killed.

“Alright, Ms. Riley, your matter has been resolved. Now, it’s my turn.”

Haylan extended three fingers and said, “Give me three days to raise the money. After three days, I will buy your house in full.”

“Ill give you seven days!”

Lydia’s expression was serious as she said firmly. “In seven days, if I’m still fine, not only will I sell the house to you, I’ll even give you a discount.”

wanted to ensure her safety before making a deal

a deal.’

had to obtain six million

he didn’t reveal his identity, to be honest, it is indeed a bit

be more than enough if seven days were

because you want to buy her house?” Yvonne could roughly guess what was going

a problem?” Haylan

a big problem!”

buy a house, just let me know. Our family has many unoccupied houses. I can give them to you for free. There’s no need to take the risk.”

dangerous would it be if we were accidentally hit by an assassin?”

like to rely on my ability to do things.” Haylan said.

did not know what

chatted for a while more before Haylan escorted Lydia back to

two of them walking side by side, Yvonne gritted her teeth. She felt

emotion made her feel confused and uncomfortable.

Mr. Jaber risk his life!

back. She was

decipher the ancient remedy brought up from the tomb. If Haylan was killed by the assassin, who would decipher

must happen to Mr.

dangerous she felt. She immediately called Reign and said, “Rei, something big has happened on my side. Can you send Landon over to help

He was knowledgeable and experienced in dealing with

at ease if she

do you want Mr. Katz to do?” Reign

a female celebrity. That female celebrity was chased by assassins. Mr. Jaber protected her. I’m worried that he will be in danger.”

it was something big. You don’t have to worry about that. Haylan will be fine,” Reign said calmly.

crazy? He’s facing an assassin. He can be killed at any time!” Yvonne was

Haylan will be fine.”

you still asleep, or did you not hear

an assassin? Haylan

Yvonne heard this, she felt that something

so confident

an assassin!

meeting to go to.

of Mapleturz Group, Reign put down her phone. A trace of a smile flashed across


zone overseas, she had personally

what kind of enemy it was, Haylan would always

forces with her own eyes. She

the one who should be worried

she thought back on that memory,

her lips, and her heart involuntarily sped up several times.

poisonous snake when she went to pee in the jungle overseas. The poison acted up, and she fainted. In the end, her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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