Chapter 180

Haylan was completely confident in himself.

After his vital energy surged into his eyes, Haylan could ctivate his x-ray vision to a certain extent and could clearly see spiritual energy in the raw stones.

The richer the spiritual energy was, the more valuable the emerald pendant was.

Relying on his x-ray vision to gamble on stones, Haylan would definitely win Frode easily.

“Haylan, you’re just lucky. I really don’t know where you got your luck from. You actually chose ten stones with gems with your luck. However, luck will be used up. The next round will be a battle of true strength!”

Frode glanced at Haylan with disdain in his eyes. Then, Frode said to Jerry, “Mr. Griffith, the outcome of this round has been decided. We can enter the higher VIP floor.”

Jerry had made it very clear just now that the price of raw stones would increase with each floor higher, and the difficulty of appraising them would also increase.

Jerry did not believe that Haylan could have such good luck again.

“Alright, then please follow me. Let’s head to the next floor together. However. I’ll make it clear that not every raw stone on the gold VIP floor can produce gems,” Jerry said.

As Jerry spoke, he glanced at Haylan, and a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

had obtained a priceless treasure. This was a huge loss to the

placed those raw stones

priceless treasure. Haylan took it away, and

gold VIP floor.

raw stones here were even more precious than before. They were even more strange and difficult to

and used the knowledge they had learned to appraise

stones here.

However, many

them had used everything they had learned in their lives, but they still could not tell which stones were

VIP floor? It’s

Anyway, my level

the price. Wow, even the smallest raw stone cost 60 thousand dollars. It’s

dollars, and the most expensive is 600 thousand dollars. If one doesn’t have one million dollars

VIP floor. Just from the name, you should know that the expenses here are not

already so high. I really don’t know how high the expenses on the diamond

people at the scene discussed it animatedly. They gasped

of dollars or even one

Edric to the side, and his gaze was

now, I had already gotten someone to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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