Chapter 54

“Robert, you can’t break the rules of the Cavanaugh clan just because you’re the clan head.” Josh coldly confronted Robert.

“Josh, what do you


“Xavier is my grandson and the son of the Cavanaugh clan. How can his wife and child not enter the Cavanaugh clan’s family tree?

“Or… do you want to challenge my prestige as the family head?”

At this point, Robert’s expression turned completely cold.

The aura of the leader of a clan exploded out with a bang.

Josh had once competed with Robert for the Cavanaugh clan’s leader more than forty years ago.

Unfortunately, he lost.

After that, he lived in seclusion in the Cavanaugh clan’s courtyard house for decades.

In fact, some of the Cavanaugh clan members had almost forgotten about Josh’s existence.

“Robert, don’t be anxious. I have my reasons for objecting.”

A glint flashed across Josh’s eyes as he said with a smile.

“Then tell me your reason,” Robert replied indifferently.

On the other side, Xavier looked at Josh, who had suddenly appeared with a gloomy face. His deep pupils were cold.

He knew very little about Josh, the second head of the Cavanaugh clan.

He seemed to have seen Josh once when he was still very young, playing in the depths of the courtyard house.

However, at this moment, he heard that Josh objected to Lucretia and Jenson joining the Cavanaugh clan’s family tree.

An inexplicable anger surged in Xavier’s heart.”

At the same time, he was curious why Josh would. appear at this time..

Xavier decided to watch from the sidelines and see what Josh was up to.

When Josh heard this, his gaze swept across the mother and son duo.

Then, he said sternly, “Reason one, Lucretia is from Oceanheim, and the Pemberley family is nothing more than a third- rate family. When compared to my Cavanaugh clan, they simply don’t measure up; they’re not in the same league!

“Reason two, Robert, don’t forget that six years ago, you chased Xavier out of the Cavanaugh clan. Now, he’s no longer a member of the Cavanaugh clan.”

At this point, Josh stopped.

Jenson and said murderously, “Reason three, this little bastard

summary, how can they… enter

were spoken,

the Cavanaugh clan could not help but look at Lucretia and



hid behind Lucretia in fear.

by the legitimate son to

actually not the

how did Mr.

a moment, the discussions were endless.

the Cavanaugh clan did not know Lucretia’s

opinion, with Lucretia’s looks and temperament, she must

hearing Josh’s words, everyone’s eyes were more or less disdainful.

know that as one of the Eight Clans of Starhaven, the Cavanaugh clan, whether in terms of status or position, in

an ordinary servant of the Cavanaugh clan had a

the Cavanaugh clan members discussing non-stop, Lucretia bit her lips

she had resisted Xavier and even

why she was worried and afraid was because of the huge gap between their statuses.

damage she suffered six years ago, Lucretia didn’t know what to

had chased Xavier out of the Pemberley family.


held her hand tightly as he comforted her gently, “Yes,

raised his head and cried pitifully.

and carried Jenson in his

regardless of whether Jenson was his biological son, he didn’t

of this was

he loved was Lucretia!

a man, since he loved her and had her, he had to be responsible to the

are my biological father, and I am your

head into Xavier’s arms

said coldly, “Josh, the Cavanaugh clan doesn’t have

first reason is


and changed the



this, Robert said solemnly, “Xavier made a mistake back then. Although I expelled him from the Cavanaugh clan, he has the blood of the Cavanaugh clan flowing in his bones. How can he not be considered

his words were

the blood of the Cavanaugh clan in their veins were part of the Cavanaugh clan. This was a

had been overturned, Josh’s emotions

Xavier’s arms and said, “This little guy

a member of the

been quietly observing the situation, said with a glare.


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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