CHAPTER 54 Theodore Cohen
Cristos and I agreed to meet at New Salem High School at three. While he and Xavier finished having a late lunch, I drove over to the New Salem Sheriff’s Station to drop off my gift. I crossed my fingers, hoping Jack and Sheriff Combs were there. Luckily, I saw Jack’s truck parked out front along with several other vehicles.
It was time for us to have eyes and ears in Sheriff Combs’ office.
New Salem Sheriff’s station was a small one story brick building. Like the town hall, this building was preserved for its history.
The bell chimed as I opened the glass door. I found several officers walking to and fro with papers in theirs hands. It was quiet inside except for a few who were on their phones. I
ked up to the counter with the antique clock cradled in one of my arms while I carried a er bag with a box of eclairs. Behind the counter, a stout man in a uniform was busy riting in a ledger.
“Good afternoon, Sir, I greeted the man. He was probably in his thirties. He had dark hair, dark brown eyes and sported a well-trimmed dark moustache. He had thick dark hair covering his arms and fingers and wore a gold band which fitted snugly around his chubby ring finger.
He quickly looked up at me, clearly surprised to see me standing in front for him. “Uh, hello there, Miss! How can I help you? His manly voice was welcoming and warm.
I smiled at him. I’m Virtue Sullivan. I was hoping to see the Undersheriff, if he’s not busy. I
don’t want to be a bother.”
“Oh no, you’re certainly not a bother, Miss Sullivan. That’s him right there,” he said, pointing to a cubicle in the back where a head with black hair was hunched down. Yup, that’s Jack
“Is it okay if I see him, Officer…”
“Cannon,” he answered, smiling warmly at me. “It’s no problem, Miss Sullivan. We don’t get
too many visitors. It’s nice to see a civilian drop by once in a while.”
“That’s kind of you to say. Thank you for all your help, Officer Cannon.” I smiled at him.
gratefully and walked towards Jack.
CHAPTER 54 Theodore Coben
My heels made a clicking sound on the old hardwood floor as I walked, making heads turn curiously in my direction. I smiled at Jack’s colleagues before stopping right in front of him.
I coughed softly to grab his attention. He looked up and his eyes widened seeing me smiling
down at him.
“Hi, Undersheriff! I’m so sorry to bother you at work.”
“Virtue!” He quickly stood up, banging his knee loudly on his desk. That must have hurt.
“Are you okay?” I looked at him with concern. If it did hurt, he hid it well.
“I’m fine.” He dis

dismissed his clumsiness and chuckled to hide his embarrassment. “What brings you here?”
I showed him the clock. “I was hoping to give this to Sheriff Combs. Is he in?”
He pointed to the Sheriff’s office which was near his desk. “Ah, yeah. He’s in his office. How about I take you to see him?”
“Yes, please,” I said. He stepped out of his cubicle and placed a hand on the small of my back to lead me to Sheriff Combs.
He knocked on the door tentatively and waited.
“Come in!” Sheriff Combs suddenly yelled from the other side of the door.
Jack opened the door and ushered me inside. The Sheriff like the rest of the people inside. the station were busy doing paperwork.
He looked up at me with a surprised look on his face. I guess no one expected to see me here. He coughed and gestured for to come in. His kind brown eyes smiled at me as I
“Hi Sheriff Combs. I hope I’m not disturbing you,” I said as I walked to his desk.
“Not at all, Miss Sullivan,” he answered. “How can I help you?”
“I heard about your, uhm, unfortunate circumstances, so I decided to get you a gift. Jack and
I went antique shopping yesterday and he helped me pick out this clock for you,” I answered,
placing the clock and the paper bag on his desk. “And oh, I brought you a box of eco from
Bo’s new bakery that you can share with your men.”
CHAPTER 54 Theodore Cohen
“That’s awfully kind of you, Miss Sullivan, Sheriff Combs said, grinning. “Thank you for your gifts and thank you Jack for helping her pick this out for me. I like it.”
“You’re most welcome,” I said, grinning back at him. “Well, I don’t want to keep you from all the work New Salem’s finest does for this town.”
“You have to leave so soon?” Jack asked, frowning.
“I, uh, have to meet Cris and Chip at New Salem High,” I quickly replied.
“Oh? Why is that, Miss Sullivan?” Sheriff Combs asked.
“I’ll be sponsoring the Spring Formal this year as a promotion for the grand opening of my boutique. I sponsor the dance and the students can buy their gowns and tuxedoes from me… or rent, if need be. It will be a good start for my business,” I explained.
“I see,” Sheriff Combs said. “Someone so new in town is actively taking an initiative to participate and contribute to New Salem. You are someone the town needs. If you need anything, Miss Sullivan, you can come to me.”
“Thank you, Sheriff,” I replied, smiling at him. “Have a good day.”
“You too, Miss Sullivan,” Sheriff Combs replied as I exited his office.
“Do you need me to take you to the school, Virtue?” Ja ck offered. I raised my hand and rubbed his upper arm gently.
“No, it’s okay, Jack,” I answered. “You obviously Have a lot of work to do. Anyway, if ever you’re not busy, I’ll be at the pub later to help Chip with his pageant, so-”
“Haven’t you heard? Chip is hosting a “Miss Honey Bee” pageant this Saturday night. I’m helping him organize since it’s less than a week away.”
“Oh okay,” he said, smiling. “Then, I guess I’ll see you later.”
“Later then.” I waved goodbye at him and all his colleagues as I walked out.
But before I could exit the building, I bumped into a tall man who had dark hair with wisps.
of white wearing a nice dark suit. I looked up and noticed Theodore Cohen staring back at
CHAPTER 54 Theodore Cohen
I wonder why he’s here…
“I’m sorry, I hastily said and quickly moved to the side to let him enter. He cordially smiled. back at me, but the smile didn’t quite reach his gray eyes.
“That’s quite alright,” he said, standing up straight and fixing his dark blue tie. “You must be in a hurry, Miss…”
“Sullivan, Virtue Sullivan,” I answered. “I have a meeting at three that I can’t miss.”
“Virtue Sullivan… ah, yes. You’re the one who bought the Old Taylor House. Where are my manners?” He chuckled, but just like his smile, his-laughter didn’t reach his cold eyes. “I’m Theodore Cohen, the former mayor. Of course, you know my son, the current mayor, Liam Cohen.” He extended his hand for a handshake. I placed my hand in his and we shook hands briefly. His hands were smooth and cold, just like his eyes. “What brings you here at the
Sheriff’s Station?”
“I came to drop off a gift for Sheriff Combs,” I said. “I heard about the fire and thought it would be a nice gesture to get him a gift.”
“Yes, that was quite unfortunate. However, he now has a new house in Hillcrest. Then again, that was really considerate of you. Your gift now serves as both a sympathy and a housewarming gift,” Theodore Cohen said.
He was so formal. Unlike Liam, he was cold, uninviting, and a snob. Those were the reasons! why I disliked him when I was a child. He may have acted friendly, but it was all a pretense to keep the people of this town in check. Every time my dad and I had to go see Theodore Cohen, I hid from him. Not even that bowl of lollipops resting atop of the Mayor’s desk could coax me to come out from behind my dad.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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