Chapter 215

Boda Poyce Bundy with failed by mother car not far behind

Muar on

Sisi, had an pourty that stood nut from

Neela gave a slight nod. How long has been following in

Tive minutes. It’s been on our tail einge

Shortly thereto, Noella’s phone buzzed with a new meseng

After Mazar Hacked the suspicious vehicle, the ensoped a photo of ma teanga plate and sent the vehicle owner’s details straight to

“Lome? Was he supposed to be in the hospital

Why was Lome’s car following her? Could it be he realized she was the one who performed that surgery on him?

Included in the data sent was the car’s recent travel og Last night, it was parked at South Flora Storage just a stone’s throw from the underground fight club

In all her years, this was the first time someone had tailed her

“Boss, want me to shake off this car?”

“No need. Let’s pretend we haven’t noticed. Since he’s suspicious, let’s not reveal any more than we need to.

Palmer’s gaze tumed frosty

someone trying to make a move on his fiancée right under his nose?

“Do you know this Lome?

on him as a favor”

Noella shook her head. “Not really just happened to perform a surgery on hi

Lome, the eldest grandson of the Richardson family, had taken over the bulk of the family’s enterprises, carving out a significant niche for himselt in the antique world at a young agel

since Lucian’s time, all thanks to Lome’s efforts, Only, much of those holdings weren’t exactly above board far more than the

eyes “With Lome’s sharpness, he probably suspects you were the

“So what if he suspects? I’m not about to admit

not? Afraid of the


I don’t want to get

the vibration reverberating through his chest and felt by Noella

that amusing? She’d only made an offhand

was also familiar with the international warzone. If he knew that

Noella’s attitude of keeping her distance

laughing, he looked up at Noella. “If my fiancée is worried

phone and dialed a number

coldly instructed the person on

“Yes, Mr. Pollack

Lome, upon receiving the message on his phone, raised an eyebrow in silent

seemed Palmer was also in that cac

Palmers keenness, it would’ve been odd if

Lome had set up wasn’t meant to take action at

put down his phone, a

my presence has served my purpose. As for the

would choose a better moment to make


them soon received the order and exited the

they’re gone. That guy is a weird one. Why would he use his own car to tail you? Isn’t that Just exposing

fathom this logic!

2 2

“Lome’s retum at this time is abnormal.

spread her hands nonchalantly. “Whatever

if he Intended to peddle subpar nephrite under the

on Noella’s phone. “Noella, you know Lome, right? He asked me for your contact info, but I turned him down

approached Elara to get Noella’s number, which Elara refused without

Who knows what he’s up tol

remarked upon hearing. “Elora, isn’t Lome sort of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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