Chapter 262

The man slowly lifted his eyes, looking towards the girl standing next to the old man

The girl was calm, standing quietly to the side, a stark contrast to the panic–stricken onlookers.

Even the man’s striking good looks didn’t seem to faze her

Truth be told, Ellinor had wanted to leave as soon as she saw the blind old man’s family rushing over. But she was surrounded by a group of men in black and couldn’t get


The gentleman gave Ellinor a courteous nod, “Hello”


an average gal, so naturally, she thought the man in front of

him wasn’t quite right. He seemed friendly but

Theo, who was not friendly at all. The man was gentle but aloof, a confusing mix

the man

welcome.” Ellinor responded

their distance, not

wasn’t chatting up the girl. So, he took

do you think of my grandson here? He’s in his thirties and

revealing a helpless smile to Ellinor, “I’m sorry, my grandpa is a bit loopy. Hope

told the old man, “Since your family’s here to pick you

polite goodbye, she turned and left. She asked the men in black to make

footsteps fade, the blind old man felt a pang of regret and asked his

at the

old man grumbled, “She’s pretty and you didn’t even get

need to worry about

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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