Chapter 290

Ellinor willingly cooperated with the cops, and although Theo was far from thrilled, he didn’t say anything else, respecting her decision.

So, Ellinor’s hands were cuffed up by the police.

At the same time, they posted a guard at her hospital room door, temporarily restricting her freedom of movement.

Since Ellinor’s condition required IV treatment, the cops didn’t immediately start questioning her.

The police put humane treatment first, listened to the doctor’s advice, and agreed to let her finish her treatment before the interrogation began.

over and managed to have a little snooze while she was being

the afternoon, the police started the questioning

to be present during the interrogation, so Theo was asked

sticky wicket for

and Theo only picked

room door, observing what was happening inside through the little glass


voice came from

she gently tugged at his shirt sleeve.

around, “Why are you still

with a heartbroken expression, “Theo, I don’t understand why Ellinor would want to hurt

mix of emotions, but he didn’t

bit cold, and Theo


said concernedly. “The weather’s getting colder, don’t catch a cold, go

paused, glanced at his jacket, but

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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