Chapter 344

AAAres: “Seems like you’re interested in her?”

Ellinor kept silent.

She felt that although it was through the screen, she could feel a strong sense of protection and guard, and it might also contain a strong possessive desire She might have touched a sensitive spot of AAAres As hackers, they’re usually pretty good at keeping their personal lives private, not liking to spill too much about their offline affairs. It’s normal.

She might have crossed a line

Thinking this, Ellinor didn’t continue to pry and changed the subject. “No biggie, just casual curiosity By the way, are you going to the Global Hackers Summit this year?

AAAres It depends”


hitched Home commitments might

didn’t expect AAAres to be such a


Juliet of the hacker world! Just to clarify, you two are a guy and a girl,

AAAres were

the chatty Bryanderful

at this year’s Hackers Summit. I

we can exchange ideas


the design order for the Blanchet Corporation’s new office

but now three days had passed and she hadn’t even started due to

now while she has the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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