Chapter 528 A New Situation


Jonathan and Andy remained silent at Moonriver Estate. As one of the Eight Kings, Andy had fought on the battlefield for over a decade.


Jonathan rose to prominence three years ago and had been suppressing numerous armies of rebellion since. Even so, the battles Andy had fought before that were far more terrifying.


Without Jonathan’s direct methods, they had to resort to all sorts of other strategies, such as decapitation, counterintelligence, divide and conquer, torturing, and so on.

When it came to wars, an ordinary citizen’s worst fear would probably be death. However, to a soldier, the fear brought upon by death was nothing compared to the mental torment one might experience.

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The most agonizing task of all was to infiltrate an opponent’s army as a spy. One who was given such a job would live on the verge of death every day, for a mere slip of the tongue could easily lead to one’s demise.

Yet, the worst that could happen wasn’t during the mission itself—it was when soldiers would return to their teams after completing their tasks.

All the applause and flowers they received upon return were but temporary, for they would then be subject to countless inspections and examinations for many years to come.

Not only did they have to remain vigilant at all times while inside their enemies’ base, but they would also end up under the surveillance of their own allies every day after returning. The army would also gradually marginalize them on the grounds of vacation, fearing that they had already been bought over by their enemies.

To have to guard oneself against one’s opponents while being suspected by one’s own allies—such was a spy’s inevitable fate. A brief moment of weakness could send many outstanding informants spiraling into endless cycles of self-doubt.

In fact, rather than die by their enemies’ hands, they would often pull the trigger on themselves as a result of being called into question by their own teammates.

Those eligible to become informants were usually the most loyal and brilliant soldiers an army could have. It would definitely be a pity to only place them in charge of maintaining public order.

Andy knew that not inspecting them was

and the two looked out to see

Legion’s medical team. It’s not that Wilbur doesn’t let me bring anyone in. I just can’t bring that many,” Andy explained as he

team. What on earth is he up

old times? Please. Wilbur can’t wait for me to kick the

is he…” Andy didn’t

his elixir field with a gesture of a hand. Then, turning the energy into thousands of threads, he lifted Sophia off

to Jadeborough and have Zachary tend to her,” Jonathan instructed as

before leaving. Then, Jonathan turned to Andy. “Wilbur wants me to die, but not now. If my guess

was taken aback. Given that he was one of the Eight Kings of War—a man of prolific

are you saying

extended his right hand and turned his palm over, his actions self-explanatory. Instead of answering the question, Jonathan patted him lightly on

gather every member of Quinten Xydias’ family,

about you, Mr. Goldstein? If you’re planning to leave Yaleview, allow me to take care

man had seen Jonathan get severely injured with his own eyes,

Yaleview. The latter naturally knew what Andy was thinking but shook

of.” Later, every core Goldstein family member gathered inside the conference hall of the Goldstein residence and

here are considered my elders if we were to go by

object!” an elderly man responded with a shaky voice as he stood up with the aid of a cane. “I know you’re all staying quiet because you’re afraid of Jonathan, so let me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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