Emmeline could never forget how useless her brother-in-law was. He idled around and never bothered to get a job. Besides doing house chores, such as cooking, cleaning the dishes, vacuuming the floor, and fixing the toilet, he was utterly incompetent.

No man was as useless and ridiculous as him.

She had looked down on Jonathan since the day he married into the Smith family.

I don't understand what my sister sees in him. He's ugly and useless. If Josephine hadn't pitied him, he would've been a singleton forever!

“Those men you were drinking with drugged your drink. I saved you from them!” Jonathan knew his sister-in-law despised him, so he cut his explanation short.

However, she refused to believe him. Glaring at him with widened eyes, she snarled, “Drug? You're saying that they drugged me? It seems more like you're the one who wants to do that!”

There's no way they would've drugged me. Even if I were drugged, it must be Jonathan who did that!

Not in the mood to entertain her accusations, Jonathan rolled his eyes and replied curtly, “Whatever.”

If it were not for Josephine, he would have left her to die on the streets.

“Jonathan Goldstein, how dare you talk to me that way?” Emmeline growled, vexed with his attitude.

After marrying my sister, he had been polite and submissive to me. He never dared to raise his voice at me, let alone talk to me in such a tone. I can't believe he's this rude after reappearing!

“Emmeline, if it weren't for your sister, I would've ignored your plight. If I hadn't helped you, those hooligans would've raped you in the woods!” Jonathan shot her an icy glare. “Now that you're awake, you can choose to go home or keep drinking with your buddies. Feel free to do as you desire; it's none of my business!”

With that, he spun on his heels and stalked away.

at his reaction. “Jonathan, stand right

cries, Jonathan continued to walk away. Left in a quiet and dark area where not a single soul could be seen, Emmeline felt fear creeping into her heart. “Jonathan, if you don't stop, I'll call Josephine and tell

do you want?” Jonathan stopped in his

owed Josephine, but that did not mean he was obligated to

could not conceal his dislike for Emmeline, who had insulted him on countless

me a ride home!” Despite not meeting for three years, Emmeline still

walk? Or hail a taxi?” Jonathan asked, his

will you or will you not give me a ride home? You stayed in our house three years ago. Can't you send me home now? Are you that

resentment grew at how indifferent Jonathan was treating

 Emmeline fumed inwardly. Just you wait, Jonathan. I

“Come here!” Jonathan ordered.

shuddered at his


end, Jonathan did not leave her there alone. No matter how much he disliked her, the young woman was still Josephine's sister. She will never forgive me if something happens to

she stood up,

got to her feet, her

her entire being

clear what that

she panted as she made her

least a meter away from me. Otherwise, I'll tell Josephine that you tried to take advantage of

she could not bring


course. I'd rather get raped by those b*stards than let you touch me! I have no idea

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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