Chapter 25 A Fool

“What do you think?”

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James shot him a cold glance. “Do you think just about anyone can sit here?”

“Oh? In that case, how does one qualify?” Jonathan plainly asked.

“Hmph, how?” James sneered in response, “I’ll be frank with you. One has to have at least two billion in assets before one is allowed to sit here. Do you have that? You don’t even look like you have a hundred million.”

James looked at Jonathan with a smirk. He gathered that Jonathan didn’t even have two hundred thousand, let alone two billion.

How can a hoodlum be worthy of sitting at the same table as me? It’s just utterly disgusting.

“Oh? Are you saying that I’ll be able to sit here if I have two billion?” Jonathan’s expression remained indifferent.

Two billion was nothing to him.

After all, he could commandeer the Blackwood family’s entire assets just by saying the word.

“Hah, two billion!” James let out a contemptuous smile. “Kid, do you even know what two billion looks like? I’m sure you have never seen so much money in your entire life. Do you think you can sit beside me even if you have two billion?

“Are you even aware of the significance of your seat? This is the most important in the first row. Even if you have five billion, you’re not qualified to sit with me!”

four prominent families

was how prestigious the seat

didn’t have any position,

a lot. How about ten billion?” Staring calmly at James, Jonathan asserted, “If ten billion isn’t enough, how about

Twenty billion?

laughter when they realized that Jonathan was

who were the most prominent in Jadeborough, didn’t have that kind of

billion was so much money that one couldn’t finish spending it in two hundred years if one were

easily be the wealthiest

you fallen so far as to let some idiot who runs his mouth off take your seat? As


someone important from Yaleview. But now, it was obvious to them that he was just

twenty billion, Jonathan seemed

expression drastically darkened. As a former member of the Fang Dragon Guards, the last thing he could tolerate was

be killed, and that was the

because you’re ashamed?” James sneered at Harrison. “Harrison, drop that stupid act of yours. At the very least, get a more convincing actor next time. Twenty billion? Why don’t you ask him if he even

I don’t have twenty billion?”

about twenty billion. If you can show me two hundred million, I will give you all the assets of the Holler family!” James ridiculed with a disdainful expression. Does Harrison

the Holler family is, I’m not

much wealth and influence as one of the four prominent



sneered as he gave Jonathan a condescending look. “Brat, I’m eager to see how far you can go with this. Either you show me

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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