Chapter 69 Ebony

Harold’s fury, evidently, terrified every member of the Huber family.

“Andre, immediately mobilize the entire strength of the Huber family to investigate for me!”

“No matter how powerful this person was, the Huber family would stop at nothing to seek destructive revenge against them, never giving up!”

“Wait!” Robin interrupted.

“Mr. Harold, please remain calm. In order to avoid alerting the snake, angering the person controlling the Venomous Worm, and potentially causing harm to Camdyn, it is best to proceed with caution.”

Harold took a deep breath, calmed down the anger in his heart, and signaled Mark to temporarily postpone the search and revenge plan.

“Mr. Bruce, what should we do at the moment, please advise.”

Robin looked at the bowl of medicinal soup and thought, “The person who could have placed this Venomous Worm on Camdyn must be someone close to him.”

“And, Camdyn should have had a lot of trust in this person.”

“Otherwise, it would be impossible to put this thing on him.”

“This Venomous Worm lurked in Camdyn’s body for five years.”

“Every now and then, someone had to replace him to add feed.”

“Otherwise, these Venomous Worms would wreak havoc inside.



Chapter 69 Ebony

Camdyn’s body.”

“The consequences were either that Venomous Worm would naturally die out, or Candyn would be devoured by these Venomous Worms and die.”

Upon hearing Robin’s explanation, Harold’s anger immediately surged within him.

“Mr. Bruce, are you saying that this person didn’t want to immediately harm my son, Camdyn?”

“Was it just to make him be controlled by it?”

Robin nodded, “Based on this situation, he didn’t want to kill Camdyn. Otherwise, Camdyn wouldn’t have lived until today.”

“During this period, I heard from Karina that Camdyn was not doing well.”

“The person manipulating the queen worm has already begun implementing his plan, activating the Venomous Worm inside. Camdyn’s body, intending to awaken it in the near future.”

“After the Venomous Worms had fully matured, they reached a certain quantity.”

“He could control Camdyn’s thoughts and will through the queen


“At the same time, one could also choose to control his life and death at any moment.”

he thought, he would be able to take

up directly or kill him

words, “What is the purpose of his

head and said, “I’m not

hired Venomous–Worm Manipulator to control the Huber Group.”

decoction Anita had placed on the coffee table

immediately became nervous and said, “Mr. Harold, please don’t listen

when I had no grievances with him?”

I had never heard of

could I have possibly done

him, but Mark walked behind Lonnie.

broke out in

a moment, then quietly pulled Alondra towards the door,

one is allowed to leave here, and everyone must hand over

alled in two

instructions and bodyguards to guard the entrance, and confiscated

picked up the bowl of decoction and took a sniff.

had nothing to do with this

Chapter 69 Ebony


Robin to make

Hu only had the

inside Camdyn did

soup, a deadly herb, Purple Ginseng,

real cause behind Camdyn’s deteriorating condition.”

said, “When did I ever include this herb in the prescription? How could it be in the herbal

the bowl of herbal medicine and said, “You can smell it and you will know if there is Purple Ginseng in

of herbal soup and carefully examined the medicinal

in this bowl of medicine was Purple Ginseng!

to my recipe?!” Lonnie looked at the few people in the room and

“However, even if I add Purple Ginseng to my

and said, “Dr. Hu, the first


Chapter 6/9 Ebony

is that Camdyn doesn’t have a brain disease, but he has been infected with Venomous Worm by


Purple Ginseng to your prescription

Worm, which had been lurking in the blood, started absorbing nutrients from the blood and became active after absorbing Purple

being activated day by day. multiplying more and

venomous worm exclusively consumed purple ginseng.”

day of raising the Venomous Worm, fed it Purple Ginseng.

Worm started absorbing Purple Ginseng, it quickly ended its

devour the nutrients in the blood, and the Venomous–Worm Carrier would grow weaker day

while Mr. Camdyn, on the other hand, became more and more languished until he lay in bed.”

there were only active

queen worm of the Venomous–Worm Manipulator was raised,

Chapter 69 Ebony

time, Camdyn

that time, Camdyn was like

completely controlled by the Venomous–Worm Manipulator.”


Mauveglow, southern section of Hanrock Valley.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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