
I was at the Sun House, standing in front of the mirror, adjusting my tie and straightening my suit. This was where I spent the night. And now I was preparing for this goddamn wedding. I couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions. Today marked the day when I would fulfill my late grandfather’s wish. Well, only half of it.

He had always wanted me to marry Ariel because he believed she would bring happiness and prosperity to our family. I used to consider that to be bullshit. But the days had passed by, and I had to realize that there was something special about this woman.

I had never imagined myself in this situation. All these years, I was deeply in love with Harriet. We had dreams of a future together, building a life filled with love and companionship.

But as time went on, the cracks in our relationship began to show. Trust was shattered, and the person I thought I knew turned out to be someone entirely different. The pain of betrayal stung, leaving me wondering if love was worth the heartache.

And so, here I stood, ready to embark on a new journey with Ariel. She had reentered my life unexpectedly, like a gust of wind on a calm summer’s day. I never thought we would cross paths again, let alone consider marriage. But life has a way of surprising us, throwing unexpected curveballs our way.

Taking one last look at my reflection, I couldn’t help but notice how my hair had been meticulously styled. It was a small detail, but it represented the effort I was putting into this new chapter of my life.

I knew this was going to be a hard one, filled with bitterness. But I would have to take it all in and try my very best to develop feelings for Ariel. That sounds almost impossible.

Just as I traipsed downstairs, the doorbell rang, and I swiftly made my way to the door. I opened it, only to see Jack.


“Good morning, boss,” Jack greeted.

“Morning,” I said, scanning him from up to down.

“So, are you ready?” He asked.

“You can see me in my suit, right? I guess you have an answer to your question.”

He laughed softly. “Yeah, I totally understand. So, we should be leaving then.”

“Oh, really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

right there,” Jack answered, gesturing toward the car

I said with a slow nod. “Just give me a minute, okay? You can go wait

boss,” Jack said, and he made his way to the

echoing through the empty house. The


with life now stood still, frozen in time. It felt as if the very essence of my grandfather lingered within these walls, whispering

wave of doom washed over me. Memories of

and the wisdom he

rooms, searching for traces of him. The worn–out armchair in the corner


he used to sit, reading his favorite books.


family. Each object

visits I made to this house. The aroma of freshly baked cookies that greeted me at the door, the warmth of his smile as he embraced me, and the hours we would spend talking

of loss, and the absence of his laughter was

the person who meant the world to me, leaving behind only memories and an unfillable void.

room, the flood of emotions threatening

upon me, the lessons he taught me, and the values

sorrow. But it is the memories we

empty, but its walls will forever be filled with the echoes of our laughter, the warmth of our embraces, and

come for me to begin this wish of yours. It’s going to be hard, I know. But I’ll try

finally left the house, locking the door, and after that, I walked to the car.


waiting for me.


I nodded slowly, with the thoughts of my grandfather still revolving in my head.

and he unlocked the door from

a big day for you,” Jack told

I guess,” I said

me, Jack wore some shades and threw another one to

back seat.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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