This woman, who claimed to be Luke’s mother, pointed a gun at me after we just had a lengthy conversation. A smirk was right on her face as she had to explain the whole situation to me. I didn’t know if I should believe it because it didn’t make any sense. Riley was the one responsible for sending those men to attack Luke’s mansion. But why would someone be so cruel towards her son,

her own blood? Life was really messed up.

Now, I was just someone in their game who simply had no knowledge of anything, but I was going to suffer. This woman had her gun pointed at me, and just when she was about to pull the trigger, the door opened. Luke and Andre stepped inside the room with a lady by their side, and this little girl was with them. But she stood behind them.

Now this woman, Luke’s mother, she said she was, also revealing her name to me as Celine, changed the direction of her gun, pointing it at Luke. But the other lady who had accompanied Luke and Andre pointed the gun at Celine, glaring at her.

There were exchanges of hurtful words right in the room, and I could just stand in silence, observing everyone. Looking at Luke and Andre, I felt a little bit sorry for them; their suits had been ruined and covered in blood, and they had various injuries all over their faces. This was supposed to be a wonderful night, but it had to go in the opposite direction.

“You think you’re going to ruin everything, Luke? Oh no, all of you are going to die right here,” Celine spoke, a menacing tone right there as she was still pointing her gun at Luke.

“Put the gun down, Celine,” the other lady in the room told her.

“Make me,” Celine smirked.

“Enough is enough, mom! I’ve had enough of this nonsense. Just put an end to all of this now, so no one gets hurt!” Luke vocalized angrily, and I could see the rage burning in his eyes.

“Wait, you think you can do shit to me?” Celine laughed. “You’re weak, Luke, just like your father. You can’t do anything.”

Andre stepped forward. “You’re the weak one around here. Attacking your own son like this.”

“He’s not my son. He’s just a disappointment,” Celine seethed. “I can’t stand the fact that this disappointment is still in this world; he needs to be taken away.”

“Mommy, stop it,” the little girl said softly, looking at Celine with a sad face.

“Oh, sweetheart. It would help if you had stayed out of this,” Celine responded, smiling at her. “Why did you have to follow me?”

my sister?” Luke asked, his tone filled

not your sister!” Celine’s expression hardened again. Her tone was too cold. “Don’t you dare make that mistake of calling her your sister again?”

she’s really my sister.”

you came to this world without brain. Crackpot, simpleminded,

spoke firmly, and Celine glanced at

Celine raised both of her brows in response.

“What a family reunion! Too bad this sh*t has gone

pointed her gun at

air. “Okay, calm down. There’s no need

mad, and seeing this idiot is making me go

turning to Luke. “It’s so funny when she says it. I

to be filled with

please stop this,” the little girl pleaded again. “Let’s just go

I’ll have to end everything right here. I’ll have to

me when I got into a fight with my friends. So why do all this now? Just put an end to this, Mom;

snapped his fingers. “She’s got a

just need to…” Celine trailed off, shaking her head with a sigh.


“Please, Mommy.”

you have to

don’t want anything bad to happen

bad is going

gun, Mommy,” Catherine stated. “And if you shoot,

shoot you.“, Momm

gun, pointing at the lady. It was clear that they both knew each other from where they came from.

sighed. “Are we going to do this all

we’re not. Because you’ll be getting killed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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