The eight-months pregnant Sasha was folding the newly bought onesies in the nursery when she heard the housemaids’ conversation. He’s coming back? Is it because my due date is approaching? Her heart was bursting with joy until her hands trembled. Although Sebastian was the baby’s father, she had only met him once on their wedding night.

He never showed up after that. With watery eyes, she caressed her pregnant belly. “Oh, my baby, I know your daddy doesn’t like me, but it’s okay. I will be happy as long as he’s here to witness your birth.” A smile of joy and satisfaction lit up her face. Two days later, Sebastian was finally back after disappearing for ten months.

When Sasha heard the news, she held her baby bump while carefully trotting out of her bedroom to meet him. As she looked down from the top of the stairs, her face turned ashen. Apart from the man whom she missed a lot, she saw a woman standing next to him in the living room. “Sebastian, I asked you to come back to take care of Sasha.

Why did you bring this woman back?” “Don’t you know why? I told you I have nothing to do with this marriage. The woman I want to marry is Xandra, and she’s standing next to me right now.” In his black coat, Sebastian’s chiseled face held a frosty expression. The man exuded a cold aura while he levelled his father’s stare.

Frederick was left fuming at his son’s words. “Don’t you know Sasha’s due date is near? She’s pregnant with your baby! How dare you say something like that!” “Huh,” he snorted, “The baby? She wouldn’t be pregnant if you hadn’t spiked my drink on my wedding night. You know what, the baby doesn’t deserve to come to this world!”

pierced through her heart, tearing it to

baby is unwelcomed…

a standoff, instantly looked up to see the pregnant Sasha standing by the staircase. Blood was trickling down her legs from beneath her skirt to the stairs.

of great love you have, Sebastian Hayes! Building your happiness on your baby’s suffering and death. I

daze, Sebastian realized this was the first time she was speaking to him since the wedding night. Before he could even say anything, Sasha had collapsed onto the ground. Blood was gushing out from beneath her skirt, spreading across

“Don’t think too much. It has nothing to do with you. The

her a murderous glare. He bellowed, “Shut up! It is not your place to meddle or even talk about the Hayes’ family affairs.” Xandra shuddered. In the face of his anger, she dared not to utter a single word. Sasha Wand, you b*tch! I hope you and your baby

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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