At Hayes Corporation, Sebastian was meeting some clients when he received the message.

“Mr. Hayes?”

“I’m sorry, I have some personal matters to attend to. Let’s reschedule the meeting.”

After ushering out his clients with whom he was supposed to sign a multi-billion dollar contract with, Sebastian quickly turned on the TV.

Luke was surprised to see Sebastian’s reaction.

“Mr. Hayes, why are you… turning on the TV all of a sudden? What about the clients…”

“Ian is performing today. Inform everyone else that I’ll not be meeting anyone within the next hour,” Sebastian instructed.

After tuning in to the right channel, Sebastian made a cup of coffee for himself.

Given that his son was about to perform, he naturally wanted to settle down and enjoy the show.

Luke watched on helplessly.

Fine, super dad. No one pampers your children more than you do.

However, what are his eyes looking at? He isn’t watching Ian on stage. Instead, he seems to be looking someplace else?

At the small dots on the right side of the stage?

He is looking at them!

dots were Sasha and the other two children. They had no seats as they weren’t part of the audience.

audience broke into loud applause when

filled with both surprise and anticipation as it was the first time they saw such a

there to be excited about? He will just embarrass

just a bunch

make snide remarks while waiting for their turn to go on stage, especially the group of boys who were

about to start. Ian stood at the center of the stage just like a handsome young prince. When he played the first note on his violin, the

he wasn’t there just for the

not receiving any guidance on the spot, Ian had played the correct note together with the symphony orchestra

he calmly

kid is

say! Besides, he can still collaborate well with the other instruments. Look at his duet with the piano, and

concert hall gasped in awe one

was so caught up in the moment that she took a few pictures

typed: Look,

he still smiled to

replied: I raised

Sasha was speechless.


gave birth to him, without me,

be outdone and replied,

have regarded the message with disdain. But now,

was more elated by her response than

an eye on the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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