Sasha couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable about the way he had phrased that sentence.

Why does it sound like he’s giving me a sad farewell speech or something? Is he still worried about me being abducted while onboard? Jeez…

Not liking the oddly melancholic atmosphere, Sasha gave him a slap on the back and said, “What do you mean you won’t be by my side anymore? You’d better be sure to come to carry me down the plane when we land!”

She then returned to her cabin while Lance stood there with his gaze fixated on her.

It wasn’t until the door to the first class cabin was shut that someone approached him. “Let’s go, sir. Howard has just come on board.”

Lance then turned around and left without looking back.

It was already evening when Sasha landed in Moranta.

For some reason, she had been restless throughout the entire flight and came out of her cabin looking for Lance as soon as she could.

Had passengers been allowed to leave their cabins during the flight, she would’ve done so a lot sooner.

Sasha quickly made her way into the economy class cabin and saw Lance about to get up from his seat.

“Hey, Lennie! How was the flight?” she asked, feeling glad and relieved as she stood beside him.

a little surprised to see her come over, but was quick to regain his composure

leg? Does it hurt?” he asked while looking worriedly at her

waved at him. “I’m fine! Come on, let’s get off the plane. Vivi must be missing us like crazy after our prolonged

replied, and the two of them made their way

security being a lot better in Moranta, people could be seen walking about with relaxed looks on their faces. “Here, watch our bags while I make a quick trip to the bathroom!” Sasha said as she

that even Lance froze for a moment before

I’ll wait


time, it was Sasha’s

not hate me anymore? I can’t

as she stared at him in confusion before making her

changed a lot throughout the past two days and was no longer

uncontrollable rage, disgust, sadness, and self-hatred when he

been so terrible that he almost thought his mental illness

bathroom, causing her to completely forget about Lance’s weird

guys back yet, Mommy? Mr. Rind said you two would

now. Are you


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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