
I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Ethan must not mean what I think – he must be suggesting some other solution and I simply don’t understand.

There’s no way he’ d offer to let me sleep with him, and while I’d like to say that I would never contemplate cuddling up to someone who’s been so cruel to me, the truth is that my wolf has no such pride. She wants me to climb right into Ethans strong arms and never leave again.

I’m saying that I’ll stay with you if you need me to at a distance, of course.” He supplies simply.

At a distance. i repeat in my head. Of course. It would be crazy to think he’d ever want to sleep beside me again, that he would willingly touch me. I should have learned my lesson earlier when I offered to become his slave again. What a proud moment that was. “That won’t do any good.”I finally reply, my tone rough and distant.

Why not?” Ethan inquires, clearly displeased with being refused. I clench my eyes shut, wishing I was big or strong enough to shake my former mate – his mood swings are every bit as wild and volatile as my own – and I’m pregnant! I don’t know how to cope with this strange new Ethan, it’s like the battle with Aimon unhinged him somehow. I don’t recognize the man in front of me, and the only flashes of the old Ethan I can find are when he’s with our pups.

“Because my nightmares are about you.’ I answer hoarsely, sharing a truth I fully intended to keep buried. “So you being there would only make them worse.

Ethan growls, and I fight the instinct to flinch.

Then I’ll give you a sleeping pill.” He grumbles.

Either way, you need to rest.”

Fine.” I mutter glumly. “Whatever you say, Ethan.

That’s what you meant by being civil, isn’t it? That I just follow your orders and obey your every whim?”

of it.” He confirms, turning his mind to our earlier conversation. Parker was hurt before we finished discussing his proposal

admit, not bothering to mask my misery. “I haven’t had a say in any of this, so why should

my reply. “This is my last

thought he would make an exception for the pups every once in a while, like the holidays. “Please don’t say that.” I beg, Please don’t shut them out of

argument again.” Ethan declares, pulling me away from the pups door until we’re out of hearing range. “We can’t keep going around in circles like this – we have to move forward with our

him to admit? He’s never shied away from showing affection before and it’s especially galling after the lecture he gave the pups earlier. “I know you do! I can see it in your eyes every time you look at them. This doesn’t have to be their last Christmas with you… can’t you just keep an open mind? You don’t know

need me. Ethan asserts, pulling me away from “And I won’t

why we’re here, because I tried to go

Parker today. When he was hurt he wanted you, because at the end of the day, your bond with them is stronger than mine will ever be.” He surveys me closely. “When you’ re back on your feet you’ll see

is ridiculous, I don’t know how he thinks I’II ever be able to get back on my feet

I snipe,

worry about taking

orders. I’ll handle

it of its future leader? Parker

how to run

instinct.” He says simply. “My father wasn’t exactly an ideal role model

more time I spend with him the more I think I must be missing something. His

making things better –

I’m going to phase myself out. I was reckless to cut ties so immediately. This time well do it right, and that starts with giving them a happy holiday with their family. In the new year they l start school, they’ll get into a routine and eventually when I start calling less and less, they’ll stop expecting to hear from me. When they grow up they’ll realize you were the better parent for being there. You just have to get through it in

it sound so simple, as if it’s a matter of logic and strategy rather than emotion. “Children don’t forget that easily.” I inform him. And I still don’t understand why you’re so

on and find someone new – someone who can be a better role model to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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