
When Ethan and I arrive back at the penthouse we find Devon and Nina sitting on the sofa while the pups zoom around the living room in front of them. Devon has an arm slung over Nina’s shoulder, which surprises me, but I can’t focus on them because the moment we walk through the four little bodies come hurtling at our legs.

Mommy! Daddy!” The pups cry excitedly.

Parker is the tallest and fastest, so he reaches us first, leaping up into Ethan’s waiting arms while I intercept Riley, whose small size lets her bound weightlessly across the room. “Hello my love puddles.” I greet them happily, kneeling so I can also hug Ryder, while Ethan effortlessly scoops up Paisley, even though his arms are already full with her brother.

“What have you been up to? Were you good for Devon and Nina?” I ask, marvelling at Ethan’s strength despite his recent recovery.

“We were sooo good.” Riley confirms. “Nina was sad so we cuddled her.”

“And then Devon told us we could get ice cream if we promised not to eavesdrop.” Parker adds, and I notice some chocolate stains around his mouth.

“So we played games in our rooms and then we went and gots the biggest sundae in the whole world, Mommy.” Paisley continues, squirming free of her father’s hold so she can come kiss me hello.

She yawns wide as she snuggles up against me, and I brush my lips over her soft cheek. Suddenly it’s very clear why they were so energetic when we walked in I know a sugar high when I see one, and I also realize my babies are about to crash. In truth, I’m fairly exhausted myself -between growing my baby, running with Ethan and surviving the onslaught of his lust, I could easily collapse where I stand.

“Well it sounds as if you’ve had quite the afternoon.” Ethan observes with a tight smile, and I know his thoughts are lingering on Riley’s comment about Nina. I follow his gaze to the pair on the couch, seeing that Nina’s cheeks are flushed with slight color. I realize they need time alone to talk, so I suggest something we all need.

“Yes, and it’s almost naptime.” I announce, finally able to get my hands on Parker as the pups rotate through our arms. “So why don’t you thank Devon for filling you with sugar and then we can go lie down in your fort.”

going to nap withs us Mommy?” Ryder

I might.” I reply, ruffling his hair. “Your Daddy chased me around the woods for so long

poking my foot with her little paw. “Can you feels that?

How bout this?”

items and textures to test against my toes and heels. It’s pure silliness, and quickly falls apart when they find a feather to tickle me with – still, it got them to me lie down. I’m convinced the promise of my company is the only thing that persuaded my hyper pups to actually take a nap, and soon they’re fast asleep around me. I nod off quickly as well,

room, carefully closing the door behind me. I’m still groggy, and want nothing “more than to go crawl in Ethan’s lap, but when I find him he’s standing at the counter with an odd expression on his handsome face. I stop when I see tears in Nina’s eyes, unsure of whether I should retreat. However when Ethan sees me, he ushers me

knowing what to expect, let alone what to

resignation on her features. “I owe you an apology.” She says,

glancing at Ethan, who offers

heavy on her tongue. “I’m coming to realize that I was wrong about a lot of things, but nothing was worse than the way I treated you when you needed help. I’m ashamed of how

I know better than anyone what it’s like to move through life in one direction, only to have my path suddenly be taken

too strong to resist, and I cross the floor without another word to pull Nina into my embrace. She gasps in surprise, and it takes a moment for her to

I murmur gently.”If anything good comes out of all

hair. I look up at Ethan in surprise, but he must have already

watching Ethan. I’m struggling to stay focused on the woman in front of me, too preoccupied with wondering what this means for my mate and

replies, finally pulling back. “I hope we can be friends one day… even though we started out on

swipes tears from her eyes. Footsteps sound behind me, and I tum to see Devon leaning in the doorway. He looks past me to Nina, tenderness filling his eyes

She confirms, seeming suddenly shy and possibly a bit nervous. She closes the distance between them and rests her small palm in his, and together they retreat from the penthouse, promising to be

away with more than a little confusion, but then Ethan is there, pulling

ways.” He answers with a shrug, dropping his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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