Chapter 0094

7 hope you can understand and respect Nicholas’s need to move on from the train wreck you once shared together,” the King continued.

I swallowed thickly, fear mixing with anger. What Nicholas and I had was special, not anything like a terrible accident. We’d cared deeply for each other. I’d had to leave him for his own sake, but I had never stopped caring about him.

Yet as annoyed as the accusation made me, I did understand the King’s point of view. Nicholas had revealed to me that he was still hung up on our break up even now, three years later. He deserved to be

free, to find someone to love.

I doubted, however, that the King’s concern for his son had little to do with genuine care and everything

to do with full control.

Nicholas had been tied up in this from the start. The King and Queen had likely already chosen partners for each of their children, and this competition was nothing more than a farce for the people’s


“I have told no one of your shared past, and those that do know are sworn to secrecy on the threat of death. You understand, don’t you, Piper?”

I understood the threat well enough. It sounded a lot like if word got out about Nicholas and me, the King would have me killed.

or Nicholas could do

I said, proud of myself when the words

across his lips, so different from the dark threat he’d just given. “Enjoy your time here,

word did shake

then.” He waved me toward the door. “Have them bring in the

you leave.”

would allow me toward the door. Once outside, I delivered the King’s

of his servants,



a major faux pas to deny the prince a

I just can’t.”

I haven’t drank since before Elva, when I’d had a stolen sip or two underage at the academy. I’d always wanted to k

eager to


my head.

hand before I

flute from the table and went to down

it to the table.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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