Chapter 0306

The next morning, as Elva played with her toys, I sat and drank tea with Charlotte and Mark.

Per the competition rules, I wasn’t allowed to watch television to keep up to date with current events, but Charlotte and Mark were, and oftentimes, we would sit, just like this, and go over the thoughts and rumors of the public about me or the competition.

Today was a special kind of exception.

“Every channel is still discussing Terry’s arrest,” Charlotte said. “Arresting him so publically has caused something of an uproar.”

“It was necessary,” Mark said. “Only with the public’s support, will we be able to take down the underground. Everyone has to help.”

“I get it,” Charlotte replied, “But that’s not how the public sees it. They see a royal family with corrupt connections. If Terry was this deep in the organization, then maybe the others are too.” At Mark’s growing frown, she quickly held up her hands. “That’s what they think, not me!”

Mark frowned deeper, but at least looked away this time.

“You know I’m right,” Charlotte said. “You’ve seen the demonstrations out front same as me.”

appearing just outside the gate. They held

the royal family,” Charlotte said. “They need to build it back.”

may be some difficulty with that,” Mark said. He glanced at me. “There is some talk among the royal

“What?” I gasped.

into question. Terry’s inappropriate behavior had not gone unnoticed by the public, and people were calling any standing gained or lost in that

family and the producers would need time to determine

would actually take that time, considering

around the public perception is to continue to build goodwill through the



make any decision rashly,” Mark said. “They would risk

nodded along with both. I could see both sides. If I allowed myself to consider fully, I would likely agree with Charlotte. The competition could generate the goodwill necessary to

brought only danger down on me. A break to relax and

Piper?” Charlotte asked me. Mark looked at

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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