Chapter 0312

“What the hell is going on in here?” Nicholas asked. “Julian?”

I was too stunned to speak, but when I looked over to Julian, I saw that he was smirking.

Nicholas turned his rage on the producers. “Why are you filming this?”

The producer jumped, then bowed much lower than was necessary. “It was approved by the crown, Your Royal Highness. The King himself commanded us!”

“Retract your claws before you hurt someone,” Julian said casually as he rose to his feet. This isn’t their fault.”

Nicholas reared back to him. “Then explain it to me, brother. And while you are giving that explanation, you can explain why you felt it necessary to summon me to witness this.” The way he say this, with such open disgust, made me want to crawl into a hole.

“Our parents thought we should utilize Piper’s popularity for the benefit of the whole,” Julian said. “Because nothing says, we’re worthy of being liked by commoners, than having one of those commoners make out with a prince.”

“A prince,” Nicholas said. “Why did it have to be you?”

I felt like Nicholas too easily accepted Julian’s explanation of why we were being filmed kissing, and jumped straight to why not me?

“Nicholas,” I said.

When he saw me, he seemed to remember the other things too. “Piper shouldn’t need to do this with anyone.”

“Tell that to Dad,” Julian said. “Or better yet, how about those protesters outside? I bet

they’d love to hear from you.”

Nicholas glowered. He frowned so deeply, I thought steam might come out of his ears. He turned to the producers again. “I want to see the footage. Whatever you do, you cannot use

that kiss.”

To Julian, I hissed, “Did you really summon him here?”

so casually, like

said, my own anger spi

didn’t have to know about

“You think he wouldn’t have seen it on TV? Trust me, Piper. He was always going to

way, it’s more fun.”



unnecessarily cruel,” I

took on a harsh edge. “He deserves this and more for stealing

half-forgot where I was and what was happening. I so very much wanted to ask him for the truth of what happened between

spoke before I could, and I was ashamed and

terrible plan,” Nicholas said. His hands were in tight fists,

his voice, likely because he kept glancing at Elva asleep on the chair. “If someone had come to me about it

the same terrible pit as before,” Julian said. He motioned toward me. “Piper agreed to all this. I didn’t

eyes fall

that true?” Nicholas said. “Were you asked? And you agreed

few days ago, I had pushed him away, wanting to

But nothing felt good enough

I said. I tried to keep my voice steady, so as not to betray the quaking emotion

until he knew that he was the only man

move. I had to sit very

my hands around my knees, holding on to keep from

to do this,

protect Nicholas himself. I wouldn’t let the people rebel. I wouldn’t

Nicholas frowned.


the best plan to quell all this talk of rebellion. Come on, Nicholas. You

want to talk to Piper alone,” Nicholas

he looked at me. His lifted brow seemed to say,

you want?

raised myself to my feet and followed Nicholas to a corner of the room where we could speak privately, while still keeping an eye on everyone

now, Piper,” he said. He dropped his gaze to me. The green flickered dangerously in the golden

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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