Chapter 0321


A late night knock rattled my door, rousing me from my sleep. I groaned, threw my arm over

my eyes, and turned over, ready to ignore it.

But then it came again, louder.

Sighing, I lowered my arm and checked my clock. Midnight.

Who could be trying to reach me now?

My heart immediately jumped into my throat. Piper.

Who else would visit me this late? Unannounced?

Perhaps she had changed her mind about pushing the distance between us. Maybe she wanted me to hold her again. Go d, I couldn’t wait to feel her in my arms once more.

In a rush, I threw back my blankets and hopped from my bed. At the door, I wasted no time in drawing it open.

When I saw Piper there, a sense of relief surged through me so fully, I nearly toppled over. My knees went weak. My heart thundered out of control.

“Piper,” I said.

At once, she pounced toward me, jumping straight into my willing arms. She wrapped her own arms around my neck, and h ooked her legs around my waist. Her mouth found mine, latching on for a passionate kiss.

She was being more aggressive than usual, demanding where usually she allowed me the lead. But who was I to deny her? Or to deny myself, when she was all that I ever wanted?

I could be malleable, if this was how she wanted me every now and then. Whatever kept her mouth on mine and her body pressed against me.

Go d, I had missed her so much, I had felt her seeped down into my very bones. Her name was carved along my ribs, I was certain. Her voice, her mouth, her body, everything about her was seared into my heart.

I couldn’t exist without my want of her, my love.

Which was why I felt so confused when my soul, which usually burned brightly in her

presence, felt more unsure than happy.

In the back of my mind, my wolf began to growl – not with its usual possessive intent, but with something darker… something warning…


Piper’s hands slipped into the space between us. She was undressing herself.

“Whoa,” I said, breaking the kiss. “Slow down, Piper. It’s okay. I’m here, we’ve got all night.” Piper shook her head. “Want you,” she said, voice rough.

No, this felt like too big a difference from the last time I had seen her. Was that why my wolf was unhappy? We needed to make sure this was what she truly wanted, and she wasn’t just acting because she thought I wanted this.

“No. We need to talk first.” I tried to lower her down, but her legs wouldn’t release from around me. “Piper?”

I looked up at her, desperate to know her expression. What I saw there sent a violent shiver through me.

You stu pid as shole, I thought at myself, hating myself in that moment.

Piper – no, Jane – wrapped a collar around

my neck.

Knowing this wasn’t Piper, I dropped her and stumbled backwards. Jane landed on her feet like I had barely inconvenienced her. A sharp smirk quirked one corner of her mouth.

I tugged at the collar but it wouldn’t budge. “What is this?”

“Be a good little dog, and sit,” Jane said. Shame went through me. How could I ever think this vile woman with her sharp, vindictive voice could ever be my beautiful and kind Piper?

Jane’s command sent a zip of pain shooting through my body. I grit my teeth, not wanting to show weakness.

“Is this how you mean to play?” she asked. “You think you can fight one of the strongest anti -werewolf measures in the underground?”

A magical collar? Designed to debilitate a werewolf?

of my skin. The collar had chained him back, but we

my bidding up until a moment ago,”

need a shower to remove her scent. I’d use all the mouthwash in the kingdom

do neither of those things now, so I had to

all my muscles and shot forward. She was quick and darted


teased. “Not when I look so much like

are nothing like her!” I

you oaf.


me.” She tapped her finger against the side of her mouth as her smile grew. “Do you think Piper will be upset with that? She’s so fond

an ever-burning flame. I would never let her get

again. My hands, half claws now, sliced into the meat of her arm. She yelped as she dodged away before I

the wall.

of the sailboat, and an entire door opened right there in that spot on the wall. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it.

hidden, even here, in my private rooms.

men dressed in black came

if you have to, to make him


men started forward, coming closer. They lacked caution. I taught them with sharp

he shifting?” one of the members asked. “Isn’t the collar

the men forward. “Don’t be such a

but a

I could fight off three or four at once, fifth added a challenge. One landed a solid blow to my jaw that unsteadied me. A sixth

all piled on top of me, containing my arms and legs. A snapped against their hold, biting at anything I could


my teeth sharp.

seemed positively gleeful as she gazed down

are you doing this?” I demanded, my voice raw, torn between man and wolf. Jane huffed a harsh laugh. “Why else? My sister loves you. And I want to


Chapter 0322

all the way to Nichola s’s room. I knocked on the door, but there


asleep,” I


door opened at once, pushing inward. Together, Julian and I stumbled into the room.

shreds, like wolf claws had sliced straight through. There were claw marks etched into

struggled,” Julian said, stepping into the center of the room. He paused, and

“Feel what?”

his head and looked around.

that he mentioned it, now that I knew what to focus on, yes. I could feel it too, like a

wandering around the room. The claw marks seemed to lead toward a wall, like someone had been dragged

What have they done

muf fled through stone and wood,

I could feel it pull inside

this one didn’t belong to me.

it,” Julian said. “He’s here. Somewhere. There has to

where a painting of

nothing there, Piper. Keep

should have been able to see the outlines of a passageway, especially if it had been recently used. But right

the way, it seemed to whisper. This will

“Piper, stop wasting time!”


it to the wall. It felt sturdy, but under

here, I was certain

lead the way. It compelled me to lift a hand.

I pressed down.

There was a click.

a door swung open, revealing an

rushed to my side. Disbelief widened his features.

know,” I

with it, let’s go.” He nudged me aside so he could enter the passageway first. I followed him down, down a

collar tight around his neck. One of the cages had been burst through, iron bars bent. He snapped wildly at some men in dark clothing who were trying to

somehow, in a way I had


you going

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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