Chapter 0325

I shook my head. “What we need to focus on is stopping Jane once and for all, and getting my wolf back.”

“Then let’s go,” Julian said.

“Go.where?” Nicholas asked.

But I knew where he’d meant. “Veronica.”

By the time thee three of us knocked on Veronica’s door, it was close to 3:30 in the morning. Yet she opened the door like she’d been expecting us. She was still wearing her clothes from the day before. Maybe she hadn’t been to bed yet.

She stepped back, giving us room to enter. “Come in.”

Her lights were on. A pile of books was stacked tall on top of her desk, with a second pile beside it.

She looked between the three of us. “Something happened.”

Quickly, I gave her a brief account of events. Julian nodded along, chiming in where he could. Nicholas stayed behind, frowning at her. He hadn’t liked being kept out of the loop with Veronica’s identity. I supposed I couldn’t fault him for not trusting her right away, considering.

When I reached the point in the story where Jane shifted into my wolf and attacked me, Veronica perked up. When I said, my wolf/held back, she stopped me.

was going to kill

so, yes,” I said. I was proud of myself for keeping the tremor out of my voice. It quaked my hands

stepped closer. He came to my side and took one of my shaking hands in

at his movement. Her full focus was

backed off,”



never seen her emoté so openly, so I watched in shock for a minute. Julian did too, though he recovered

Veronica?” he



I closed my eyes to enjoy the

going to be alright…?” Julian glanced at us, then

smeared at his lips. I imagined I

appalled by that

“No promises,” Nicholas said.



said. She spoke quickly with excitement. It still belongs to Piper in its heart. Else it would have followed blindly

that changes

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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