Chapter 0327

The next morning, as I was preparing for the day, a messenger came to the door to call me to a meeting with the King, I immediately put back the jeans and t-shirt I was going to wear and selected a dress instead. Charlotte helped me dress in a hurry, and then I rushed to follow the


I was led to Nichola s’s private rooms where the King was pacing back and forth in front of the secret passageway opening on the wall. Nicholas and Julian were there as well. Nicholas stood straight, as if at attention. Julian had his arms crossed.

When the King noticed me, he stopped pacing. “Now that we are all here, I want someone to explain to me exactly what happened here last night. The guard told me what they could, but there are many blanks that need filled in.”

I swallowed hard, not sure where to even begin. The King looked at me with such intense focus that I felt vulnerable in a way I didn’t like. Under such scrutiny, it was difficult to get my thoughts in order, especially my necessary lies.

Fortunately, Julian stepped in first. “The underground organization attempted a bold move last night by attempting to kidnap Nicholas.”

“Nicholas?” The King’s sharp gaze snapped toward his eldest son. “Why wasn’t your guard up against such an attack? The guard found no sign of forced entry.”

I held my breath. Please don’t mention Jane!

person at my door was someone who could be

King narrowed his


said, smoothly sliding in. “At that time of night, he likely thought

the King said. “We have enough chaos around here, without my

Nicholas swallowed. “Yes, sir.”

right, father?” Julian added. He smirked but it had an edge. “He could have died

switched his focus to me


eye twitched, like he expected me to

was here,” I

last night,” Julian said. “We arrived

The King blinked. “…together?”

stand at my side. Easily, he slipped his arm around my waist, resting his hand on

the King, Nicholas glared at Julian.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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