Chapter 0337

I handed the photo to Veronica and she held it out over Elva’s body. She began to chant, but they weren’t words I recognized. Sparks flickered in her hands. Purple-blue flames fanned out across the photo, and then twisted down toward Elva.

“Elva!” I gasped and started forward.

Nicholas gripped me around the waist and held me back. I struggled, desperate to get to Elva.

What if this was actually hurting her? What if it was doing more harm than good? I couldn’t let anyone hurt my little girl!

“Nick! Don’t! Let me go!”

“Wait!” Nicholas said back. His voice was strained. This must have been hurting him too. ” Please, Piper. Just wait!”

I couldn’t. I couldn’t.

Those flames were so close to Elva. If they touched her, then –

All at once it was over.

The flames shot back up to the talisman and burned the photo down to ashes. Then even the ashes dissipated into nothing.

her hands. She exhaled long and slow.

too. She turned her

in my arms. She was still feverish, but it wasn’t


once. The

Elva asked,

I kissed Elva’s forehead. “You just have a bad cold. You need

me a sheepish


if I wanted to. As far as I was concerned, I was

I wouldn’t let go, even as Julian



might have trashed Jessica’s wardrobe,” Julian said. He was smiling in

I’d need a new one too. “None of

“I agree,” Julian said.

I thirded that opinion.

at Elva, who tried to return it with one


little mischief-maker?” Julian

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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