Chapter 0339

A few days later, all of the candidates were called into the foyer for another of Nathan’s meetings. By now, Elva was fully recovered, although very angry that I would not let her leave

the room.

“There’s a bad guy on the loose,” I said. “It’s too dangerous for you until that person is caught.”

Elva crossed her arms and pouted. “But you go out.”

“Because I have to. Trust me, I’d rather stay in here with you.”

That, along with a hug, seemed to pacify her for now, and I was able to leave peacefully.

Down in the foyer, I found Susie, Veronica, and Tiffany standing together and went to join them.

“How is Elva?” Susie asked. I had talked to each of them since the incident, down at breakfast and dinner, but every time Susie asked me the same question. I was glad for it, honestly. It was

nice to feel cared about.

“Better,” I said. “She was so mad I wouldn’t let her join us.”

“It’s safer where she is,” Veronica said, and she would know.

She had placed some talismans of her own around my room, designed to keep the curse at bay. She’d also given Elva a necklace to wear that carried a talisman as a pendant, but Veronica had said it was better if she was entirely surrounded by the protections.

“She’s a free spirit,” Susie said fondly.

“Glad she’s better,” Tiffany said. “Most of the girls were really worried.” Most. I wondered which were the ones who weren’t. I immediately suspected Olivia and Lilliana, though I’d hoped they weren’t so callous as to actively want Elva harmed.

Being uncaring was different than malice though, so I tried not to dwell on it.

Nathan cleared his throat, drawing all of our gazes.

“Attention, please,” Nathan said. When he had it, he continued, “It has been decided by the royal family that we are going to attempt to progress the competition.”

A few gasps sounded around the candidates. Most seemed excited. I didn’t know what to think yet so I stayed quiet. Beside me, Susie looked worried.

“Due to Terry’s betrayal,” Nathan continued, “the scores from his event will be removed from the standings.”


I motioned him closer and he sat on the bed beside me.

Julian yawned. “I’d like to stay too. Not on the bed of course, but that couch over there looks. comfortable.”

He hadn’t slept either. He’d been so worried about Elva. It seemed unfair to send him away now, when the matter was mostly resolved. Adrenaline was giving way, and everyone was exhausted.

“It’s okay,” I told him. “You can stay.’

In the end, only Mark saw himself out, but I imagined that was to go see Susie.

well, taking watch

his arms around me, and I felt sleep

from the

“Sleep,” Nicholas said.

you do,

“I promise.”

open much longer. Soon,

a full

His arms were wrapped around me and Elva both. Across the room, Julian snored where

my chest. This was my

bittersweet feeling surged at the

now, but for how much

soon, we’d be ripped

happy now,



we’d both managed a truly terrible

now announce that the next event will be another

to himself, he said, “Since those receive the best ratings and

in their outfits and do their best to appear cheerful and exuberant.

girls looked at each other. Those seemed like

the best scores for this event will go to the candidates that seem

A few mouths opened.

couldn’t bode well for what was happening beyond the palace gates. Things were so bad, our contest was now over who could

wear a bright face,” Nathan

came up short with all the times I could remember the Luna smiling. Did she ever smile? Not at

to keep

rest of us. “Things must be worse than they are letting on out there, if they are throwing

her to notice it too, did not bode well

girls began to file out, Julian weaved his

you.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Ready for the

I rolled my eyes.

Susie. Nice to see you

curtsied. Veronica just


held out his arm for me,

called out behind

the left, breaking off



want to get caught tonight?”

where. We’ve already planned this.

know. Isn’t it supposed to

you,” I grumbled good-naturedly. “I’d prefer we stick to

a second, more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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