Chapter 135

Diana’s pov

I watched him, unmoving.

Fisher slammed the table, “I’m fucking told you to take off the mask, didn’t you hear?”

“You have no right to demand that of me,” I said coldly.

“I’m in charge now. Dare you say I don’t have the authority?” Fisher stood up from the sofa, angrily approaching me. “Today, I want to see what face hides beneath that mask of yours.”

He reached for my mask.

I seized his wrist, voice colder than before, “I told you, you have no right to demand this.”

Fisher winced in pain.

“Damn bitch, let go of me! Ouch… that hurts!”

“Still want to see my face?” I asked expressionlessly.

Fisher, probably afraid, refused to plead before me and instead forced bravado, “I don’t want to see it! Damn, with that ugly face of yours, looking at it might bring me bad luck.”

Ignoring his verbal attack, I coldly huffed and released him.

Fisher, holding his wrist, stepped back.

Once steady, he glared at me with revenge and calculation in his eyes.

“I may not have the right to take off your mask, but I surely have the right to punish you.”

He ground his teeth, smiling in a sinister manner.

“Since your job performance is lacking, today, you’ll take on janitorial duties. I suppose that’s the only meager value you can contribute to this project.”

I looked at Fisher coldly.

Perhaps remembering my earlier ruthlessness, he instinctively took a step back. “What’s that look? Don’t you accept it? Let me tell you, I’m sent by William! I—” “I don’t object,” I impatiently interrupted Fisher, “I accept the punishment.

I had no desire to endure Fisher’s foolish remarks any longer.

Fisher became

clean the toilets too, including scrubbing the

his office, slamming the door

had been

side and patted his shoulder, “Today’s experiment is up to you.” “What do

a sweeping motion, “Unlocking


Moss was enraged.

No, I’ll go talk

grabbed Moss, shaking

with the recurring old injuries, doing heavy physical labor again, I’m afraid…”

okay, I know what

me, disapproving in his

bit, and he said somewhat dejectedly, “As you wish.”

walked toward the laboratory with determined

because I seemed so indifferent to my own well–being. But at

I’ve been

waste in the lab, tidying up

multiple times, all of

was clearly intentionally causing

burden the person assisting me.

drenched in sweat and utterly exhausted. Seated in the utility room, I took a brief rest.

kicked open the utility room door

the tasks assigned

I exhaled, “Everything is cleaned.” “Lies!” he sternly exclaimed. “Do you think I

swallowed the metallic taste in my throat and said,

routine during the two years I served

grabbed my wrist, dragging me


were now marked with water stains


stains but

my fists, I


you’re saying, but the fact is you

a hard

The unexpected pain almost made me black out, and

properly next time, I’ll shove your ugly face into

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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