Chapter 2: Ayla

I woke up to Theo nuzzling my neck. I groaned as I snuggled closer to him.

“Good morning, love,” he said, kissing my jaw. “We need to get up.”

I scrunched my nose, lifting my head to squint at the clock.

“Um, babe… do you realize it’s only four–thirty,” I croaked, falling back onto the pillow and pulling his arm around me.

He chuckled. “I’m well aware. That’s why we need to get up.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, mate, but I already don’t like it.”

His warmth disappeared from behind me and the covers were pulled off. I pushed onto my elbow with a growl.

“Theo,” I whined.

He laughed again, climbing up the bed. His teeth grazed my thigh below the hem of his T–shirt I slept in. I tried to suppress a grin, biting my lip.

“If that’s what this is about, there were nicer ways,” I said.

Suddenly, he grabbed my legs and yanked me down the bed.

“That’s very true,” he said huskily. “And I will make it a goal to perform each one another time. But today, we start training. So, get that sexy ass up and get moving.”


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He straightened and disappeared into the large master bathroom.

“What?” I said, shooting up on my hands. “Wait. Hang on.”

I jumped up and followed him. He was in the attached walk–in closet, slipping into some athletic shorts.

“Theo, what training are you talking about? When did we discuss this?”

guess we didn’t,” he said. He came up to me, running his hands down my arms. “Look, baby, I know you’re skilled in self–defense, and that’s fantastic. But I want to really train fight. As much as I would love to, I can’t be with you twenty–four hours a day. And unless you want

“Okay,” I said eagerly.

Theo paused. “Really?”

nodded. “Yeah,” I replied.

smiled. “I won’t take it easy on you,

giving him a look.

you to

dressed and meet me in the gym. You’ve got ten minutes.” He grabbed a

rolled my eyes. But I was oddly

hard, but the part that had been bothering me the most was the amount of times I felt helpless. Especially in the hands of Harry. The idea of combat training had crossed

Chapter 2: Ayla

238 Wouchers

my plate. But if Theo wanted to teach me,

support. Her own excitement mirrored

in the packhouse, but I had to mind–link Theo to tell

up to me with a big

morning person,” he said.

morning to you, too.

going to be about this,” he

is a gambling addict, right?” I said sternly. “You really think it’s a good idea to be betting around

keep it up, and

I laughing. “I’m glad I came through for you. Where’s

with a sigh of relief.

said, heading toward the door he pointed out. “Oh, and just so

Chapter 2: Ayla

#288 Wouchers

out,” he said. “You’ll thin the

found Theo as he was setting up some equipment at one end of the room. He knew the moment

we starting?” I

strength. You’ll want that leverage in true combat. Then we’ll work on

me a set of weights and we got

was on my back,

we’ll add that to the list,” Theo said, straddling me with a

pushing myself up. “Yeah, yeah,” I said. “I get it. I have noodles for


“But you’re still f***ing sexy

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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