Chapter 15: Theo

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Chapter 15: Theo

I had finished making all the necessary arrangements and was waiting in the kitchen for Ayla to get back home. I brought up some lunch since I knew she likely hadn’t had time to eat anything. I had packed a bag already, so I didn’t have to worry about it when she returned. I only had about an hour before I would need to get on the road, and I wanted to spend it with her.

“Theo,” Ayla called as she came in the door.

“I’m here, babe,” I replied, heading to meet her in the living room.

“What’s wrong? Is everything okay?” she said as she rushed to me, throwing her arms around my neck.

I squeezed her tightly, holding her as I savored her scent.

“Babe, what’s going on?” she pressed. “Your text didn’t sound good and you’ve been stressed all day.

The corners of my lips twitched. “I’ll be okay, love,” I told her as I let her go. “But I do have some bad news.” I took her hand and led her around, pulling her into my lap as I sat on the couch. “I have to go out of town for a few days, babe.”

“Oh,” she said. “What’s going on?”

“We’ve had another rogue attack,” I said. “I need to go down and figure out what’s going on. I’ll be gone a couple days, but I’ll be back in time for the ceremony this weekend.”

“Is everyone okay?” she asked worriedly. “Do you want me to come



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Chapter 15 Theo

with you?”

288 Vouchers

lost one,” I said solemnly. “There are several still in the

I’m so sorry,” Ayla said, hugging me

come, too.”


“It’s too dangerous. Plus, so much is going

do you have

but I have a little

looking at her. She looked tired.

are you feeling okay?” I pressed a hand to her

said with a smile. “Just sad, I guess. I hate that

and I

said urgently. “What happened today? Did you have contact with anyone

edge all day. Your message had me thinking some scary things, and I


Chapter 15. Theo

288 Vouchers

wasn’t convinced. I

doctor,” I insisted as I moved to stand. “I’ll find someone else

just a little wiped out. But I‘ m done with class for the day. So once you head out, I’ll take

against me as my fingers weaved into her hair. I took what she was giving, tasting

under my shirt to trace along my skin. She tugged my shirt over my head. Her lips

I hesitated, “you need to

listen, slipping her hand beneath


me again. Her lips moved to my neck, my head falling back with a groan. Her weight

“Babe,” I growled.

Chapter 15. Theo

288 Vouchers

access. Her fingers wrapped around the base as she leaned in, her tongue darting out to lick along the seam before

I rasped

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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