Sylvia's POV:

The wind whistled and cheers echoed in my eyes. I gasped for air, looking at the finishing line that was not so far away now.

"Hold on, Yana! Everyone is rooting for you!" I did my best to give Yana moral support.

Each breath was so dry that my throat felt like it was being scratched by wood chips every time. I was exhausted. My forehead was dripping with sweat, blurring my eyes, but I could not afford to trip now. I knew that if my knees gave way, I would not be able to get up again.

Gritting my teeth, I endured the pain and made my way to the finishing line. As I crossed the line, I closed my eyes and could not help imagining that tall and handsome figure. I wasn't sure if he was looking at

me now.

myself. I transformed back into my human form, gasping for air and looking for Rufus at the stands. He was too far away for me to read the expression on his face. I was little disappointed I couldn't share my joy with him in

I always knew you could make it. Eighth place is already such an amazing result!" I

I had been made aware of my weaknesses. Once my strength had run out, it was difficult for me to maintain

enough. It was only a short distance, but we are already so tired." Yana was

makes me even prouder of what you showed today. Don't be too hard on yourself. You'll only waste more energy." I didn't want Yana to put too

supporting myself by planting my hands on my knees.

my expectation." A strange man appeared beside me, talking to me as if we knew

time. I just assumed they were appalled that someone would even talk to the slave. Although I appreciate his kindness, I

are also too thin. I think I can even snap your arms and legs with just one move." He frowned,

my forehead and temples and glared at this man who

your business," I told

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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