Sylvia's POV:

I looked up in surprise and quickly took out the piece of cloth from the cloth bag. I gave it to Flora.

On the piece of cloth, there was an intricate pattern sewn with gold threads. Before my mother died, she shoved this thing into my hand and asked me to find my father. Although she didn't get the chance to tel me anything more, I thought this pattern must have something to do with my father.

I stared at Flora with anticipation, trying to find clues in her brooding face.

She took the piece of cloth from me and looked at it carefully. "This should be the badge of our pack."

"Really?" Her words made me feel so excited. Finally, I got a clue about my father.

"But it's a style that was used a long time ago. It's not being used now. Since sewing this pattern was too cumbersome and time-consuming, a simplified version was designed later." After saying this, Flora took out her clothes and showed them to me.

Sure enough, the pattern on her clothes was simpler. But it could be seen at a glance that the core of the two patterns was the same. sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Although the clues were vague, at least they showed that my father might be a member of her pack. I took Flora's clothes and compared them with my piece of cloth carefully. I wasn't only surprised but also nervous. I didn't know what kind of werewolf my father was. I wasn't even sure if he would be happy if he knew my existence. Or would he loathe me if he found out that I used to be a slave?

did you have this?" Flora asked

about to answer her question, but

dear. It's better to be cautious about this matter. You've just met Flora, and you don't know her that much yet. What if she can't be trusted? What

I was just too

I pretended that it was nothing important and returned Flora's clothes to her. "I'm just a little curious. I only find this pattern very beautiful, so I keep it. But I don't know where it came from. Thank you

anything about my pack in the future. I'm willing to answer all your questions." She was an enthusiastic and energetic she-wolf who seemed to have an inexhaustible amount of energy. At this moment, she rushed to my table and said, "Come on, try this specialty I brought."

this?" I

is." Flora's eyes lit up. It was as if she was trying her best

a small bite. It tasted salty and chewy at

didn't expect that such this ordinary-looking meat could taste so good. I ate up the finger-sized meat in one breath and couldn't help

friends?" I thought that Harry and Blair would like it too. But as for Rufus, I

of my family will be totally salable." Flora was so excited that she grabbed my hands and yelled. "Wait... What did you just say?" I asked. My mind went blank

of our pack," Flora said with a grin. It seemed that

immediately dropped the meat

red. Enduring the nausea in my stomach, I took the candy from Flora and stuffed it directly into my

fruity fragrance temporarily suppressed the meaty taste

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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