Rufus' POV:

I was about to walk towards the figure when my mother suddenly stopped me. She handed the champagne in her hand to a servant and looked at me unhappily.

"Where are you going? The ball is about to begin."

I felt a little helpless. When I was about to pull my mother's hand away, the figure had already walked into the crowd.

"Your Majesty, Prince Richard hasn't arrived yet. Shall we wait a little longer?" a guard walked up to us and said to my mother in a low voice.

My mother's eyes turned cold upon hearing this. "No. This day is for Rufus. Why do we have to wait for Richard to show up and let him steal the highlight? That's a big joke. I don't want to hear such reckless words from you again. Go away and receive your punishment!"

After scolding the guard, my mother walked to the stage in her high heels. Seeing her approach the stage, the crowd gradually quieted down. Everyone looked at her with reverence. This was their lycan queen Even though she was nearly fifty years old, she still looked graceful and elegant.

"Everyone, welcome to this ball! Today is my son Rufus' birthday, so I hope you can all have a good time," my mother said in a clear and standard voice.

me with a decent smile on her face. "Rufus, since today is your birthday, please say a few

towards the center of the stage. I was not in the mood to talk to them in a

for coming. I wish you all a happy evening." I

my speech would be so brief.

the stage. Each of them was well-dressed, deliberately showing

any further. I shifted my eyes to the figure in the farthest distance that I had been thinking of the whole evening. She was wearing

At the thought of her flustered expression, my heart unconsciously softened. And I even had the impulse to hold her in my arms. I didn't refuse this strange emotion. On the contrary, I willingly

without thinking too much. The crowd

handsome. I'm about to

can take a look at me. He is

cruel, he doesn't look like one at all. He is

strongest werewolf in the empire. I heard that Prince Richard is no match for him

the greatest charm of the werewolf race. I feel like I'm going to fall in

Rufus is walking towards us. Is he going to

on! It must be

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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