Sylvia's POV:

The forbidden forest was still shrouded by mist. A large flock of crows flew out above us, cawing. Harry shivered. He rubbed his arms, trying to warm himself up. He couldn't help complaining, "Why is it so cold here? I should have listened to you and worn more clothes."

I looked at his thin denim jacket and ripped jeans, feeling a little helpless. Before we set off, we asked him to change into thick clothes. But he would rather be frozen to death in his fashionable clothes than be wrapped in a bloated military coat.

While we were talking, the referee brought a few soldiers over to frisk us, making sure we didn't hide any weapons. During the test in the forbidden forest, no one was allowed to bring any weapons. After the frisking, the referee put an electronic device on us.

We could press the button of this electronic device in case of danger. Then the troops secretly protecting us would come to rescue and take the contestants out of the forbidden forest. But this would also mean that the contestants had quit the competition willingly.

After all the preparations, the referee announced the commencement of the test. After entering the forbidden forest, the six contestants who qualified for the test must find the blue cornflower and return within two hours.

It was the rainy season at this time, so everything on earth was coming back to life. All kinds of insects and beasts came out of their nests one after another.

So not long after we entered the forbidden forest, we encountered two hungry black bears.

ordinary ones, and they ran extremely fast. Obviously, they

so he hid in a tree. But he obviously forgot that black bears

no other choice but to deal with

wooden sword which was only as long as his forearm, out of nowhere. Before we could come to our senses, he attacked and knocked out one of the black bears quickly. "Fuck! Where did your sword come

said coldly with a solemn expression on

didn't have sharp edges because it hadn't been sharpened yet.

bears, Harry began to feel relaxed. "The forbidden forest isn't that terrible. I won't

at the entrance of the forbidden forest. It's safer than the other parts of the forest

nose and replied

continued to go deep into the forbidden forest. Fortunately, we didn't encounter any giant beasts anymore. However, there were too many kinds of bugs and insects in the forbidden forest. Our

in his ripped jeans were so big that

a fork in the road, Tom suddenly proposed that we split up. Otherwise, our

had a short discussion and eventually

go with you,"

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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