Sylvia's POV:

It turned out that Richard had planned for this elaborately. He wanted to kill me and Rufus ' troops-but there was no way in hell I'd allow that to happen.

There was always a way out. I firmly believed that heaven would never seal off all the exits.

"What're you doing?" Peter wrung his hands anxiously. "Press the button already. That way, you might live. Do you think those people will be grateful to you for saving their lives by sacrificing yours? No! No one will know if you die here alone."

"I'm not pressing the button. Nothing you say will change my mind." I closed my eyes and tried to focus. I needed to calm down and rack my brains to find a way out.

Peter laughed angrily. "You still care about others at a time like this? If you press the button now, maybe it won't be too late. If the army arrives in fifteen minutes, then everything will be fine. There's still hope that you'll get out of this alive. Why are you giving up?"

I peeled my eyes open to sneer at him. "Do you really think everyone's as cold-hearted as you? Give up already. I refuse to gamble with the lives of the innocent." "Why, you-!" Peter lost his patience. He reached out his hand and yanked at the vine. "Press the button or die!"

pulled the vine again. But I didn't care. Instead, I used this as an opportunity

fell on the ground. He nearly fell into the swamp. Unfortunately, he had

awkwardly got back on his feet and shook his

shrugged. "Too bad

the button, I'll press it for you! None of you will make it out of the forbidden forest!" Peter took out his device and pressed hard on the button, making sure I could see what he was

crisis. All the troops guarding the forbidden forest would then rush over as soon

gritted my teeth, unable to say a word. It was the first

because then I'd have to explain things when I get out of here. Damn it! This is all your fault. Go to hell, you bitch!" In a fit of

think straight. But

pressed, it'd immediately send out a distress signal and location

sunk to my shoulders. My eyes darted all over the place, looking for a way out. I caught a glimpse of

thought suddenly occurred

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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