Sylvia's POV:

With Flora's hand in mine, I quickly pulled her up so that she could climb the ladder as I wrapped another safety rope around her waist.

Below, the hyenas refused to give up on catching their prey. They scrambled to get on top of each other and jump up to the ladder.

Fortunately, the hyenas weren't mutated enough to jump that high.

I hung off one side of the ladder so that Flora and Warren could crawl into the helicopter first.

It began to rain again, which made the ladder more shaky and slippery. I tightened my grip on the bars, afraid of falling off. With the remaining strength in my body, I steadied my breath and climbed into the helicopter after my friends.

Once everyone was inside, I pulled the sliding door and closed it with a loud bang, shutting out the harsh wind.

Warren immediately passed out. He looked seriously injured. Flora was not in great condition either. She was still in shock from all that happened. Her face was covered up in mud and blood. One of her shoes was even missing.

From his seat, Rufus updated Blair and asked to arrange an emergency treatment room immediately.

I brought out a towel and gave it to Flora so that she could clean up a bit.

and couldn't help tearing up.

sorry for my friend and gave her a hug.

"I don't know if Warren can

that bad for him?" I frowned as I handed Flora a bottle of

Flora was able to calm down a little. She lightly crushed the water bottle in her hand as she recalled, "It was Tom. He was plotting against

would Tom do that

others. Whenever he would be involved

not sure. We should ask Warren if he wakes

it up to Warren's lips, hoping he could

with serious injuries as well and was sent to the hospital for treatment." Rufus chimed

scoffed. "That's just

on the helicopter pad of

one with the most serious injuries, he was the one who


accompanied Flora to have her wounds treated as well. She was fortunate that the wounds and bruises were not serious, although

done, we all came to the emergency treatment room to

get anxious. In front of the treatment room, she crouched down and nervously

Warren's going to be fine. He always is. He will be okay."

a muffled

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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