Sylvia's POV:

Alina strode out of Warren's ward elegantly. She was wearing a beautiful hat, with a silk scarf wrapped around her neck delicately. There wasn't a single wrinkle on her expensive-looking clothes. She looked like a doll that just came out of its box.

As she walked towards me, I caught a whiff of her sweet perfume.

This was the first time we had run into each other alone.

Mixed feelings stirring within me, I looked away from her to avoid conflict.

But Alina was hell-bent on making my life hard. She sneered with disdain, demanding, "Why are you here?"

"I should be asking you the same question." I locked eyes with her fiercely, not wanting to be outdone.

Alina simply crossed her arms over her chest and smiled as though she had heard a funny joke. "Quit messing around. Warren's my man. Why else would I be here?"

I frowned and corrected her without hesitation.

"He's a man from your pack, you mean."

got together, he made it

princess's personal knight, so what? Warren now had someone else he truly

smile stiffened. Her face contorted, and

her, so I cut her short. "Is Warren awake? I

Alina looked at me defiantly. She deliberately blocked the door to Warren's ward so that I couldn't see

teeth. Without hesitation, I pushed Alina out of my way and intended to walk straight into Warren's ward. But the four

faze me. I raised my leg and

other bodyguards all rushed over and tried to attack

shouted, and the bodyguards immediately stopped in their

off my clothes nonchalantly and

was worried that Warren would hear her. Then

Why do you have to pester Warren?" Alina lowered her voice

see Warren as a friend. Alina, what exactly are you afraid of? That I'll take Warren away from you? I'm afraid you've pushed him away yourself."

at me fiercely,

with me and Richard's out of the picture." I sneered coldly. "Warren isn't a dog who's always at your beck and call. Just give up,

Alina's face contorted in a mix of emotions. She seemed to be pissed off by my words, but at the same time


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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