Sylvia's POV:

Alina's ploy didn't surprise me at all. It wasn't the first time that she tried to ruin my reputation.

But it was just as Rufus said: it didn't matter what others said about me. Life must go on.

In time, the truth would reveal itself. I would prove myself one day.

So the public's opinion of me didn't faze me at all. Alina's plan was futile.

I put my phone down and shrugged it off. Now, I needed to go back to my room to move my things.

On my way there, Flora called me. She spent quite some time cursing those who spread the rumor and then comforted me.

After getting off the phone with her, I received a brief message from Rufus. He was only reminding me of the time I was supposed to register as the new team leader.

Despite the brevity of the message, I couldn't help but smile. I was certain that Rufus must've heard about the rumors being spread about me. However, he didn't attempt to comfort me, nor did he try to take the post down like before.

I didn't need him to do

He knew me well.

We were kindred spirits.

me stronger, but it also made me content. This

my things and left

as I entered the gate,

daily life in the army and

gave me a tour of the place. The military region was huge. The officer led the way and walked in front of me, explaining everything briefly. I tried to keep whatever he said in mind.

atmosphere here was serious, and every soldier we passed by looked

army was a place where no mistakes could be made. The smallest slip

gravity of it and

the dormitory building and left. I lugged my suitcase to the elevator and pushed the button to the fourth floor, which was where my room was. As

happy that she skipped towards me

I was really happy that we'd still

up with each other, we began to sort

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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