Sylvia's POV:

All of us felt a little dispirited. Rufus walked in the front of the group and continued to lead us to the center of the city.

The closer we got to the center, the more dilapidated our surroundings became.

A flag of the empire was smeared with black paint and wrapped around a dog's head. Rows of dogs' heads with missing eyes had been mounted on spikes and placed on the outer wall of the city center. The restless breeze brought a strange pungent smell with it. This place looked like it was a paradise for criminals, and werewolves' lives seemed to have become the cheapest currency. Crimes were being committed constantly.

I used to think that I had experienced the darkest point of humanity, but looking at the degradation of this locality, I realized what I had been through was nothing. This place was like a bottomless hole, and no one knew how deep that hole was or what lay at its end.

As soon as we crossed the city center, we encountered the local army. The soldiers were chasing away the ordinary werewolves in the street with electric batons in their hands. Some older werewolves couldn't stand the electric shocks directed at them and fainted on the spot.

The werewolves shoved each other, screamed, and scattered in all directions.

Throughout our walk, Rufus had been in a bad mood. At this moment, I could sense that his rage had almost reached its breaking point.

"What the fuck is the difference between them and the hooligans?" Harry roared.

the ordinary werewolves here detested the army

protect the citizens, but they were actually abusing their power and murdering these werewolves. They

soldiers with a frosty

are the reinforcements from the imperial

"Where is your Alpha? Take

their Alpha. "This way, please. I'll take you to Alpha Geoffrey." The soldier-in-charge bowed in

him indifferently without saying anything. His intimidating

get here so

Harry snorted disdainfully.

peppered the soldier with several

After a point, she got

walked with us for just over ten minutes. Finally, we arrived at a colossal wall

front of us. I looked around and realized that it seemed to stretch as far as the eye could see. I couldn't figure out how far

that looked like it was constructed from a heavy metal, was present in the center of

one guarding the door, and no civilians were

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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