
Sylvia's POV:

We didn't stop making love until past midnight. Then we took a shower before going to bed.

When we were under the covers, Rufus hugged and kept kissing me, as though he'd never get tired of tasting me.

All of a sudden, he blew into my ear playfully.

I burst into laughter and tried to push him away.

"Stop! It tickles."

His hot breath brushed against my ears. I felt the tip of his teeth gently nibble my earlobe. "We don't have anything important to do tomorrow, so we can sleep late."

"Fine." Nestled in his arms, I nodded obediently.

Finally, Rufus let go of my ear and pulled the quilt to cover the both of us.

gem pendant around my neck. Confused, he frowned and asked, "Where did you

it in Noreen's lab. Flora gave Warren a lot of luck stones, remember? I took one

I explained to him how the gemstone worked. When I recounted how enthusiastic Flora was about this stone in particular, I couldn't help but chuckle. "It seems Flora's searching for my father even more actively than me. I'll look for a chance to tell her that I've already found him after we finish our work here." Although it wasn't certain that Edwin was my father, I was pretty

very strange. It was difficult for me

suddenly recalled the paternity

we took Edwin's blood for paternity test. Shouldn't the result have come out


do I have to wait? What's taking so long?" I was a little surprised. Whenever Rufus took charge of something, it generally

issues. The samples weren't sent to the testing center

"Oh, okay. No rush..."

I sighed with relief.

while I couldn't wait to find out, I was scared

you want the result to be?" Rufus

I hesitated.

was really my

to imagine

want the truth to be

first time we had met, it seemed that he didn't want to

so would only disrupt his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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