Leonard's POV:

To say I was stunned would be an understatement. I didn't expect this possibility at all.

I immediately sat up straight and grabbed Edwin's shoulder and asked, "What do you mean? Didn't Olivia love me?"

If she did love me, she wouldn't leave me or erase my memories.

Immediately, Edwin shook his head and said, "No, it's not what you think. She loved you as much as you loved her and she did that for a reason."

"What is that reason?" I couldn't understand. In my opinion, even death shouldn't be able to stop the two of us from loving each other.

Edwin turned around without saying a word and walked towards the bookshelf. Then, he took out a dark red wooden box from a compartment and handed it to me. "Olivia left this to you. See for yourself."

After saying that, he left the room to give me some privacy.

My hands were shaking when I opened the box. Inside it, there was a letter and a man's ring.

I put the ring aside and opened the letter and a beautiful handwriting came into the view.

On the letter, it read, "Dear Leonard:

If you are reading this letter, it means Edwin couldn't hide the truth from you anymore.

don't blame him because I am the one who begged him to do

your memories and leaving you like


our pain and helplessness will be worth it in the

stop thinking what you would look like when you read this

the same uptight Leonard who is

still remember the first time I saw you. You were standing in the crowd in your military uniform. Everyone was in a good mood and laughing, but you were the only one who looked

that time, the only thought in my mind was to make

you to spar with me because that was the only way I could think of to make you talk to me.

was really funny when you first fought with me. You let me win deliberately in front of everyone. I believed you'd tried to make it subtle, but I must say it really didn't work out as expected. That

with each other. The Moon Goddess made us mates, but we didn't end up together in the

your child, I was ecstatic. The baby was the most beautiful thing that had

would love our child

out that I had inherited that

would be in danger if I stayed

had no

apart for so many

And later, I found out that you

you all the happiness. I have nothing to ask for as long as

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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