Alina's POV:

My father kept getting closer to me, his face grim. No matter how much I screamed, he refused to let me go.

A violent buzzing sound filled my ears. I saw visions in front of me, all of them filled with angry fathers.

Several voices in my head seemed to warn me that my father was lying to me. He didn't love me the slightest bit. If he caught me, I would certainly be deprived of everything and rendered homeless. I collapsed, losing my last shred of sanity.

I had committed so many wrong acts. I'd even poisoned my father. I would never be forgiven!

"Kill him. Once you kill him, you will be free!" a ghostly voice whispered in my ears. I didn't want to pay heed to it, but it haunted me.

I had a splitting headache and just wanted to escape.

will die. You have committed so many transgressions.

voice still lingered in my ears. As I watched my father get increasingly closer, I almost failed at

my wrist, my rational thinking was overcome by

curled around the dagger and I stabbed him


the dagger I was holding was buried deep inside my father's

hand, stumbled a

out of my father's chest. He hadn't expected this reaction of mine and he

why... I'd warned you not to approach me..." I was

down at the dagger protruding from

my cheeks. I yelled in a hoarse voice, "I didn't want to hurt you. I told you to stay away from me. Why didn't you listen to me? You

it to the ground with a thud.

eyes. My heart sank to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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